Tuesday, February 9, 2010

4 months

Tristin has gotten so big!! He's started to do wonderful things, which make each day so much fun.

I will post the progression pics soon, but for now here are a few things about our Lil/Big Boy!

Weight..18 pounds 90 %
Length...26 inches 86 %
Head...?(don’t remember) 82 %

At least he is all big..haha
Tristin here are a few things about you....

-You've now been on cereal for about a month-and its getting harder for you to poo!
-You love your apple/prune juice
-You tried squash-but didn't really like it
-You LOVE your saucer, and can't wait to be put in it in the mornings while mommy eats breakfast.
-You LOVE to talk..everyone thinks you say HI to them, b/c when you see someone you say..hiiiiiii its cute and everyone laughs
-You love to blow bubbles and spit!!
-You slobber A LOT, and go through many clothes at daycare b/c of this
-You are o so close to sitting up by yourself. Today you played for 2 min. sitting by yourself, and then fell and cried a bit. Then you tried again, but kept falling back-and you'd grunt soo hard and pull yourself up...we were amazed.
-You still hate your tummy
-You LOVE to eat your hands, Sophie your giraffe, your rattle, well anything you can get your hands on.
-You don't care for your swing much
-You are having a hard time sleeping (after you were sick) and we are up several times a night still
-You can stand up for a really long time
-You really started liking your jumper/no big jumps yet, but you swing
-Still don't care for baths, but LOVE taking showers with mommy
-You are now wearing 6-9 month clothes and close to 12 months
-You've just moved up to a size 4 diaper
-And your Pedi said we need to look into getting a bigger car seat for you! I thought you were supposed to stay in your carrier until you were 1!! Slow down BOY!
Well that’s about it.....


cheri said...

And just the cutest little fella around!!!! So glad I got to see him over the weekend. I needed some Tristin sugar! Yummy!

Lacey Jenkins said...

I love the picture with Kevin holding him. Too cute!!!