Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Yipee...We've made it a whole 2 months and are doing great! Our little man has surpassed our expectations and continues to surprise us everyday with a new noise,or a new trick. He's learned to drool A LOT...which causes him to every now in then make a new noise in his mouth-they he really enjoys. As in our previous blog with a small update-we are now 14(+ I'm sure now after almost 2 weeks) which puts us in the 90% of weight and 24 inches long, which is the 75% in length. We are already squeezing into our 3-6 month clothes-where after a wash they are getting snug!! I really wanted to wait to put these blue jeans and shirt set on him until he was around 6 months-I thought how cute he'd look sitting up in them,well after a poo all over the body the other morning, I was just looking to grab anything and therefore grab this outfit, since it had long sleeves, well-it wont be a 6 month outfit thats for sure. His little tummy is almost hanging out...hehehe. I'm told its great he's gaining the weight, so I guess all is good for him. I really don't just sit and feed him all day-he's on a 3-4 hour schedule and a night longer!!

Speaking of night time...we've now been sleeping through the night for 2 weeks!! At about 10:00 at night our little guy begins rubbing his eyes and is ready to be put to bed....(our bed that is..I know I know what you will all say, HURRY GET HIM OUT OF YOUR BED WHILE YOU CAN, but he is so wonderful and we both love to snuggle close together. ) It is so easy as well, we just lay him down and he takes turns looking a mommy and daddy,and usually at first gets excited and tells us a story-I mean really talks-and then he takes his paci and he's off to sleep. We usually sleep till around 5:15ish, however today it was 6!! YIPEEE...I woke up in a panic, because Kevin wasn't at home anymore and usually we get to greet him before he leaves.

I'll leave you with a few pictures....

Tristin and was cute!! They got to hang out all day together this day while I went to the ballet with my sisters and mom, and nieces and nephew.
Tummy time is getting better!! He really loves his mat and is getting closer to rolling over!! Today he made a 360 while scooting all around with his legs. He got up on his knees at one point, however his chest and head were on the ground-I got a little nervous..(hahaha)

Changing for bedtime...I took this while he was laughing at Kevin, while getting changed!!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

I recieved my christmas early

Not only do I have a wonderful little boy to be thankful for this year, Kevin,my loving husband let me get a camera I've been talking about since -well forever! I love taking pictures, I am bad at getting them developed, but I love taking them. After I got Tristin's pictures taken this year and realized how much they cost I thought to myself-I can do this. I'm not a pro at all, but I can take wonderful pictures as well-if I just had the right camera though! So after some pleading and saying what a treasure it will end up being, Kevin gave me the ok to purchase it!

Its a EOS Digital Rebal SLR. I'm so pumped about it and wanted to take pictures right away, but haven't found the prime opportunity to capture the best pose as of yet.

I've also been informed by Kevin's cousins of a great website for all of you moms who have little ones around. It is really for babies/under a year old. Its called Every day at 10 they post a steal of a deal-I have found more girl things than boy, but its steal fun to look at everyday. It does however tempt you to purchase things you might not really need. I have enjoyed it, and wanted to pass it along!!:)

I will update on our little man soon-along with a few pictures, but just for information we had our 2 month check up on the 1st, and he weighed 14 pounds-(90%) and was 23.75 inches (75%)!! Our little boy is growing up supper fast!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

If Your Happy and You Know it....


We've almost mastered a roll- we get so very close! He loves tummy time in the mornings and only if he's happy haha!

Just a picture of my cutie

This was one morning last week while we were playing!

Aww rest

Yesterday Kevin and I took Tristin on a shopping trip to Hobby Lobby and Target! Getting out of the house felt amazing to say the least!
We went into Hobby Lobby to buy outside Xmas lights!! The big bulbs for the front of our house! You know from previous blogs how excited I am about Christmas so this put me over the edge when Kevin said he'd put up lights!
So we went in and got the lights-now I also needed glass for some frames I had purchased earlier in the year which have been awaiting Tristins arrival and his pictures! We picked the glass up and then I recieved a call from my sister about making stockings this weekend and so I quickly began hunting down fabric and ornaments for our stockings!! What fun! Needless to say we march up to pay and my few small purchases came out to be an expensive trip!

Once we got out it was time for a feeding so we sat in the car and watched Tristin gulp until he was satisfied!

Next stop Target! We went in originally to return diapers and get new ones! You see since our little guy is growing so much we didn't need our last box of 2 s and I had two packaged of 3 s that were huggies- which I hate!! These do not work for us! Hillary didn't care for them and I thought at first I was biased but after talking with Jan, she hates them as well. Anyways at wal mart you can only exchange diapers for diapers which is perfectly fine by me- however target gave us the gift card- o how I love thee! Well we picked up a package of 3s since they can start at 16 pounds and I'm guessing Tristin is around 14-15 so he'll be in those before you know it!! We then got infant Tylenol bc we never bought any and some gripe water which I heard works great!! We also picked up a paci clip since he is starting to use his more and I hate searching for it!!

We then made a run to Jasons Deli my fav and then home to pick up/clean and enjoy our outside Xmas lights Kevin put up!! I love them! So merry and bright!

Tristin did well and stayed up a bit this evening and well let's just say for the record since this will prob never happen again- I fed him at 9:30 and a little more to calm him down at 10:30 and after going to bed he didn't wake up until 4:45!!! What happened??? Let me just say the sleep was amazing and it's 6 and I feel o so ready to go for the day!! Yipee

I'll end on that wonderful bit of information!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009


I just had the opportunity to sit down and read Lacey's blog over the wonderful joys pregnancy brings us-the gas(I had it major)-the extra hair-the awkwardness during your first few months, because you feel huge, but don't look it at all, and you do have a beer looking gut for a long time,-however you also feel everyone should be able to tell your expecting and comment-but if they do comment, you think you must look awful and really big since deep down you know you aren't that big yet. Wow..It brings about anxious minds, from the day you find out your expecting. You worry/are anxious for the first 3 or so months, hoping everything goes as planned, then once you cross that milestone you are anxious to know the sex, then once you find that out you reach the anxious stage of really showing, that moves quickly into wanting he/she out, and you left anxious and wondering what he/she will look like. Then when they arrive your anxious to get home and start your family, and very soon reality hits and your anxious to get sleep-the sleep you thought you weren't getting in the last weeks before their birth-o if I would have only known.

I love my little boy-I enjoy watching his milestones, but once again I'm left anxious because I can't wait for him to laugh, or roll over, or sit up, and crawl. I honestly can't wait to see him in his carhart overalls and cowboy boots, walking beside his dad as they "work" outside. I can't wait to see his face the day he discovers mud, or the day he looks at me from being away-and comes running to me. I am anxious to see his first school picture, what sport if any (he better in our family) choose to love. I'm anxious to hear stories of a day spent with his dad. I'm anxious to watch him grow-But most of all I'm anxious for it to not go so fast. I want to treasure it all.

I have to say-Lacey if your reading this-enjoy it. Be anxious-but don't let it get to you. I believe my mom now when she said it will happen when it happens-or to relax. Go out and have fun-even if you are tired,or have gas. Go to the movies-out to eat-not getting to do these is life changing-but worth it-but I do wish we'd been a little more adventurous!!

I know now when number 2 comes (it will be a while) that I'm going to try my best to enjoy it-I know I'll have new circumstances with a little boy to take care of at the same time-which I'm sure will still leave me anxious.

Christmas Decor

What a joy it is to be able to decorate for Christmas. I absolutely love this time of year. I enjoy decorating, the scents, the food, the tree, the belief that there is a Santa Claus-which I can't wait to start with Tristin, and I will hurt who ever tells him he isn't real-the traditions, the time shared with family-everything.

Christmas always started early for my family. We always got to spend Thanksgiving with my Mamaw, my mom's mom, and her entire family would come and we'd have Christmas! It was a blast spending the week with my family. We spent time with everyone, each of my moms brothers and sisters were there and their kids-and their kids kids who were more my age!!We would eat lunch, sing songs, watch football, ride on my Uncle Terry's wheelchair, play dress up, and sing more songs. We were an eclectic group let me tell ya. Anyways-it was always fun coming back to school and writing on the topic of-what did you do over your thanksgiving break, b/c I got to write about having Christmas.

Christmas would soon arrive, and I can remember the joys of getting into our footed pjs-sleeping in the same room as my brother and sister anxious for what Christmas day had in store for us. We would watch Troy on the weather before bed, to see where Santa was-I swear my sister/brother/and I heard Santa on the roof one night ;). The joys of getting the Oreos out and milk-(I wonder if my parents really ate/drank our treat?)

The joys of waking up in the morning and seeing what had been left-I remember one Christmas morning I woke up supper early-it was the year I received my little tykes play house-and I played with my playhouse for an hour-then went back to bed, and woke up when my brother/sister woke up and acted soo surprised. I mean I was-I had wanted this doll house for so long-I remember playing nonstop with that set-I hope I can get Tristin good gifts like that.

Now-Kevin and I get to begin our journey and traditions with Christmas. I absolutely can't wait! I get all giddy inside when I think about it!

Here are some pictures of the house-which by the way took me all day-since Tristin needed feeding assistance from time to time :). Enjoy-

This tree is in our study-it has all of our (my)Hallmark ornaments on it. Each year mom would get us an ornament that was part of our collection and we add to it yearly. I collect puppy love :) Since 91 I believe. We haven't found a good one for Kevin yet-they don't fit his personality. I can't wait to start one for Tristin!
Our Living Room tree- The star hasn't made it to the top yet-b/c I can't reach it!!
Kitchen table decor
Can't see a whole lot, but some decor-
I love these stockings
Our dinning room-
Our newest stockings-Kevin, Me, Tristin, and Kooper(our dog) snow people!!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009


We got to spend Halloween this year in Hamilton. I wanted to be able to capture some pictures with his cousins, who also got dressed up on Halloween night to travel from door to door yelling...Trick or Treat!! How with that being said growing up I HATED HATED HATED Halloween. The idea of getting dressed up and actually going to ask someone you really didn't know for something horrified me. So-I inevitably would stay inside the car and allow my brother and sister to trick or treat for me. One year I was made to dress up like a clown (which I despise-b/c my brother and sister used to put me in a closet at my grandparents house and throw this clown (that looked SOOOO scary and laughed sooo mean )in on me all while it was chuckling its evilness. Needless to say this Halloween I was made to dress like a clown I broke out into a rash and got SUPER sick and cried and cried and cried. So this year I planned to attempt to like Halloween for Tristin and thought with the help of my sisters that I could get through the holiday. I survived-even though a rode around in the car with Tristin and we stopped at 3 houses. The kids had already gone up and down a street when they came to pick me up-so no worries :). I forgot my camera that night, and haven't gotten them from my sister yet, but when I do will post with all the kidos!!! These are just for fun pics, even though Tristin didn't have much fun taking them..hehe.

He has a hat for every Holiday this year-so here is to hat number 1!!

He was the cutest football ever..haha!
Now on to more Holiday thoughts and questions....please chime in
I knew the Holiday traveling scenario would one day come up-and even though we've had things planned I knew once again-things would surface and complications arise. Where do you spend your holidays?
When is going from one family to another tooo much? I hate driving, and with an almost two-month old-I don't anticipate driving and packing around all of our stuff very exciting for this upcoming Thanksgiving. This past year Kevin's family decided to do something small-which is wonderful for his family-and my family for years has either spent time in Anson,having Christmas with my moms side of the family or in Hamilton with my dads side. This always intrigued Kevin-going to my house-b/c he could hunt with my brother-so knocking out two birds with one stone is always the route to go I think. So when do we say we are rotating thanksgivings, or just skipping a thanksgiving, because driving in a car for and hour and a half one way then three hours another is TOOOO much for me to pack and un pack and well I feel like a circus already.
The next topic Christmas....for the past 7 years we've continued to have Christmas on Christmas day with my brothers and sisters because we didn't think it was fair for Dillan to get his Christmas shanked since we were all grown up. Its worked out nice-but has always been hectic and left us super tired from all the driving..youll see below. When Kevin and I talked about having a family I stated how important it was for me to have xmas eve and xmas morning at OUR house with OUR kids. This time of the year was always so special to my family and I wanted to keep up the fun traditions. He agreed, since he defiantly knows how much I love this holiday.
Kevin's family does xmas a little different. Now his parents are open to any day of the week, while his grandparents have had dibs on xmas eve and xmas morning. Looking at his family I can see how this worked. They all live within a few miles of one another and if they wanted to have xmas morning at their house, or do something special for xmas eve, they could arrange both b/c they don't have a lot of driving involved, being 20 min. at the most. This unfortunately isn't going to work for us, since we've started our family-because we live hours from his. It will always work for his immediate family,but for those who are venturing away from the likes of LaGrange, too bad so sad.
This then brings me to this year-I totally understand Tristin isn't going to remember or know where we spent xmas eve or xmas day at-but when do you say enough is enough...Our days would run like this...Kevin's parents xmas eve day, Kevin's moms parents xmas eve,Kevin's dads parents xmas lunch-pack up a child who has been held way too much,and is cranky, drive three hours to spend xmas day evening with my dad, little brother and family, next afternoon mom's xmas, then xmas with my grandparents the following day.....YIKES!!! And we don't get to start our traditions this year, which yes I can get over, but I'm so excited and want to start them up already. So when do you plan your move away from holidays? When is dragging your family around turn into not being fun and being more of a showcase?
I thought for the sake of things we should just reserve his family for the weekend before any my family for the time/weekend after xmas-giving us xmas eve and morning to spend together. And starting it this year would solve a lot of stress!!!

One month Old

Where has my time gone? I've been trying to sit down and blog for the past two weeks. It actually gives me time to unwind, however I haven't found this unwinding time readily available. When I do log on, I spend time reading my fellow bloggers blogs, and then run out of time to finish or start mine.

Motherhood is wonderful! I love my little boy a little more each and every day, and I didn't think that was possible. Even when he keeps me up like this morning. We did get to spend some quality time swaying back in forth which in the end was worth it.

Tristin is growing faster each day. He's been walking for the past two weeks..haha...with just a little help on my lap....and has said mommy-somehow it just sounded like ooohh though. I do know that is what he was trying to get across and we celebrated! I do enjoy his more alert sperts and wondering looks. He loves this sepia picture we have in our room above our bed-good purchase Kevin-he will stare it it non-stop!

I've added a few pictures here to show how big we've gotten, which seems to be rather large. I'm guessing we are around 12 pounds maybe a little more. We have outgrown our size 1 diapers, however daddy opened a new BIG box of them, so we are going to squeeze into as many as we can-and I suppose we can save the other half of the box, or gift them to someone else in need. :)


Bath time-we like better in the sink than our tub...but we are getting tooooo big for the sink :(

Weird photo I know....but this was actually on his One month b-day party...haha!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Meeting Kaiden

I just wanted to post really quick on meeting up with Kaiden!!!
Kaiden and Tristin are just 10 days apart (I believe) and they got to meet up this weekend. I'd wanted to get them in their Halloween outfits, but considering mine put his on for 2 sec. and I didn't even get a picture, and that we were driving around Hamilton with the cousins-who were sooooo cute-we didn't get a chance to stop by.

We did stop by on the way home and the boys had a photo opt. Here are a few pics!!


Well..lets just say I've been trying to post about my lovely rash for the last week. Every time I log in, I can't pull up pictures to show,or I fall asleep, or my little precious boy needs loving. So I'm going to attempt some much needed blogging.

It all began a few weeks ago-I noticed something itch itch itching on my breast. I honestly didn't think much of it with all the changes and new things that pop up after having a child, and passed it off with my mothers suggestion as stretch marks. (I just knew it itched). I had a few dry spots on my legs (or so I thought) and attempted to keep lotion on them. Now with that being said, I usually only put lotion on after a shower/bath, and well lets face it, I had some days without a daily cleansing. :( Meaning-no lotion, so I'd scratch here and there.
I then went home to Hamilton last weekend to finally show my mom, sister, and sister-in-law my "stretch marks-on my breast" and they replied with their "i'm sorry"look but told me they'd clear up. I lowered my shirt, to see how far they came out and was satisfied to see I still had an ok cleavage line..haha...

Well the day progressed and I began to really itch...I then showed my mom my legs, and that was the deciding factor that I didn't have stretch marks, but a rash!! It was itching all legs, my arms, my back! We trekked up to the local Hamilton ER, since it was Sunday-and after sitting for a little over an hour-decided to fix it with some over the counter meds, my OB said were ok and call it day. This didn't last long-Kevin and I got ready to leave and the tears ran down my face I itched soooo bad...WHY though?

We stayed the night with mom again to get up in the morning and swing by my OB-who didn't have a true cure-just meds-and a stumped look. I don't remember much this day-I slept a lot from the medication and car ride, and from staying up with Tristin.

Mom came that night to help out, a huge relief,and then I went back with her Wednesday to continue getting help! I went to the doctor in Hamilton on Thur. to try and get more answers, since I'd cancelled out all food changes, we'd re-washed clothes/sheets, and I couldn't think of anything else to cause a rash. Once again, we had no idea on the rash, or the cause, but we did bump up the meds. :)

Its getting a little doesn't look so bad, but it still itches!! I pray it goes away by the end of next week-when the meds run out!! :)

Friday, October 30, 2009

My little boy is growing up sooo fast!!

Yesterday Trisin was 4 weeks old!! It is so hard to believe that four weeks ago this joy was brought into our lives!! We've had our ups and downs, but overall its been such a wonderful experience. We spent our day at my Granny and Pa's house and took a small trip to the doctor (explained in a later post) but stayed in the car so he wouldn't catch anything.

Love you lots Tristin, you amaze me everyday! :)-Love mommy

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Our First Outing

Well let's just start out by saying- what an experience!!!

My loving mother came to my rescue last weekend-I needed her loving support and to see her face!! I had just gotten through two days without her but didn't think I could do more! So Saturday morning my mom surprised me and I felt a huge relief! It's not that she can do a lot with Tristin, but it's her knowledge and face that can get me through! Anyways- mom annouced that my aunt Lisa and cousin Bri were coming to Austin and we were going to meet them to go shopping! I was a little nervous to get Tristin out of the house, but excited to try and feel a little normal!
So we headed down the road to Khols to shop and to test out our new Target that just opened up!!! I had been awaiting Targets opening all summer!! I bundeled Tristin up and placed a blanket over his car seat so No One at all could breath on him! We walked around and shopped, I sat a lot more than walked since this was my first walking trip in a week, and pretty soon my precious angel was ready to eat!! We sat inside the handicap dressing room and he ate for about 20 min. I placed my sweet little boy back in his car seat and we headed for the checkout counter and then to Target!

Target was amazing-I needed to pick up some nursing pads-bc I go through them like they are going out of style- and I needed a new bra and knew bras at Target wouldn't cost me $45 like the one at babies r us!
I found a bra to try on, and while looking heard a little noise and peaked in the tent I had over Tristin to see he had spit up a little! I cleaned him up and proceded to find the pads I needed and then began looking for a gift for a friend! While searching I heard something like gagging and peaked in agian to see my son projectile vomit everywhere!! I hadn't seen so much spit up come out of a one week old baby!! I quickly started crying and we headed for a dressing room to change him and for me to re group! Mom assured me he was ok and it was prob. his car seat that choked him a little. I tried on the bra and then inserted in new pads bc I soiled through the ones I had on! My mom had walked out of the dressing room for a bit and my sweet boy began crying so I picked him up to comfort him! The next thing I know I feel drips on my stomach and look down to see two LARGE wet spots and these were dripping spots not just a little wet!!
I fell apart and began to weep! My mom comforted me as I put on my jacket and held my shirt in one hand and my son with the other!
Our plans of going out to eat ended quickly and I left Target alone with Tristin to go home! I quickly called Kevin to cry and let him know of my eventful evening!
I swore I was done getting out and about- and so far I've stuck to those words but do realize I will one day overcome my fears!

Trying out

Trying to see if posting from my phone works :)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Our first photo shoot!!!

Let me start out by saying, I am blogging with a wonderful little boy who is laying on my chest, and a laptop on my thighs. Wow-What talents moms can learn. :)

This morning, we awoke to the joy of having a photo shoot with our little perfect angel. Kevin has gone back to work, and even though I told him about this appointment and really asked if he'd stay home that morning a week ago, he didn't "hear" me and was off to work at 5:30 this morning. So our appointment was at 10:00 and he needed to be fed and ready to I knew I was going to be pressing some luck, since Tristin eats every 3 hours. He had eaten around 6:30 ish and then went back to sleep around 8:30, after giving him a bath and putting him in a simple outfit. I quickly took a shower-scared I wouldn't hear him if he needed me, and dried my hair (which I would turn off every 3 sec. it seemed to listen for the little guy). I threw some clothes on, a bit of makeup and went to gather the car seat, diaper bag, and most importantly Tristin. I was trying to make it to the studio by 9:40 to feed him, since it was time for a feeding.

We loaded up around 9:40 and by now are crying because we were hungry and set off for downtown Buda. We found an awesome photographer in downtown Buda, that I was eager to use! By the time we made it downtown 5 miles, Tristin was asleep and content. We took a few pictures while he was sleeping, and then it was time for a quick bite! He did so good. I love all of the pictures she took and can't wait to see them all. Mary did however post two pictures on her blog ( I am now supper eager to see our actual poses with Kevin and other props. Its going to be REALLY hard to choose!!! He did so well-and we made it home to eat a bit more, and well, he's been napping all day!! Wish I could have fallen asleep with him today-but I didn't-we'll catch up tomorrow!!

Here are the two pictures on her blog!

Monday, October 12, 2009

It is about time!!

So I'm not as good as Mary on updating my blog as I got home from the hospital, or really posting pictures asap(you go girl). I have my wonderful sister and mother for that. Thanks girls!!

What a wonderful 12 days we've spent with our little wonder! Tristin Hunter Ulrich has been the best blessing in our lives since..we'll for 9 months he's been a blessing, but an even bigger blessing since October 1st.

October 1st 2009, Tristin was born at 5:09 pm. (Our funny nurse guessed the right time... :) ) He was 7lbs 12 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. Pure perfection!!! I didn't know how happy one could feel the second we saw him. His dad was so proud, and a HUGE help during the entire labor!! I didn't have to give him one dirty look..haha!! He kept me grounded and focused!

I originally didn't want to hold my child right after he came out-but I couldn't wait for him to be plopped on my belly so I could see his beatiful face. I very quickly knew he was going to take after his dad. He had his eyes....and his Popo's (Kevin's dad) eyes. He was everything I could have ever dreamed of.
He had a bit of trouble with some fluid at frist, keeping the families waiting for a while,but no trouble at all eating!! He latched on ASAP, and began feeding-(thats another blog within itself....OUCH). Tristin was supper loved as soon as he was born.
His uncle Derek brought him his firsts bow, since bow season was opening the next day-a little young, but maybe in a few years he can go sit with dad, and his uncle, and cousin Denver.
We got to go home the next evening-I have to admit, I was a little nervous, but calmed because my mom was coming to help. We got through the week, with mom's help and her cooking-and now we are set for months with food..haha!! It was a blessing to have mom around to comfort and help out.
We'll enough about our happings, I'll post some pictures of our little man!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Still waiting

I'm going to start out by saying its Wednesday-hump day-middle of the week-weeks almost over!!!

Now then with that-today has been my motivator. If I could reach Wednesday-I knew I just had to focus on going to work Thursday and Friday of this week and then I'd be DONE!!! I know it seems silly to go ahead and take off when I don't have my bundle however, I'm tired and exhausted, in pain, and want to CRY ALL THE TIME!!!

If you would have asked me at the beginning of the month if I would be in this predicament I would have laughed and said...aww no he'll be here around the last week of September...

Well as we all know, September has come and gone!! I don't know why all expecting mothers think they will have their beautiful bundle of joy early-but most do, and end up getting lost in their own imagination.

My imagination has caused me many tears, that my wonderful husband has learned to comfort over and over. He knows when to hug, or bring me something to drink/eat. He's learned not to call me out when I come up with wild ideas to move this labor along. I guess I assumed when my pain set in, Trisitn would be ready to visit us out in the world. I know that in the end I'll take this pain for the meeting of our child-but at the moment I'd like to craw in a hole.

Our doctor appointment went as good as it could have gone. Tristin is doing well, and not wanting to come out! I of course cried, and my doctor said it would be over soon. We have our next appointment scheduled for this upcoming Tuesday, Oct. 6th (a day after his due date), and if we haven't had him by then-we'll schedule a true due date! Keep your fingers and toes crossed that I have him prior.

Which brings me to another point...I was trying to please all-b/c Dillan wanted to skip out on some school (what uncle wouldn't..haha), but Fridays aren't good b/c of band....and this weekend my doctor is in town, but attending ACL-along with my cousins!!!! My doctor said he'd come right away, but I don't want to be the one to put a damper on ACL...people wait all year for this!! However I WANT HIM OUT ASAP!!!

Well I suppose that is enough rambling...I'm off to bed with a better attitude(it might not seem like it) and with newly painted toes...(my neighbor Addy who is a wonderful great great friend took me to get my toes painted up so I wouldn't have to focus on nasty toes in the hospital-it made my day!!) I hope you all have a great rest of the week...Talk to you soon!!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Will he ever come?

Just when you think things are about to change...nothing!! I really didn't mind being pregnant. Overall I've learned to cope with things I needed to get over in my normal day to day life-(going to public restrooms, not worrying about dishes being left in the sink, because I'm to tired to wash them, not worrying about making the bed, or cleaning EVERYDAY) However now I wish it was OVER!! My feet really are swollen now, my back kills me with ever step I take, or sit I sit. My lower region feels like a heavy balloon, and at times can't move b/c of a sharp pain that shoots up me. I'm done...he's done!!! I've come to that conclusion. :)

Now if we can just convince Tristin its time to come, that would help me soooooo much! I deep down knew I had 40 weeks with my little boy, but its 39 and that is close enough. I tell him everyday its time, but he obviously doesn't listen to me now (what great teen-age years I have to come). Last weeks appointment was blah...I had a different doctor number 5 that I've seen, and didn't care for him much. My doctor is wonderful and tells me blunt and right out how things are-this doctor was like..."Well your still at a 2 and you are very thinned out". What is very thinned out? Last week I was 50% effaced, and this week I'm just very thinned out.....AHHHH!!!

My next appointment is Tuesday, back with my doctor-however I'm praying REALLY LOUD I don't make it to that appointment!! If I do, I think honestly I'm just going to cry!! I'm ready to leave school-everything is copied for next week, notes are made-I'm ready!!

My sister is coming to visit today and my mom tomorrow-how awesome would it be if I went into labor while they were here!!! Ive started researching into acupressure-and might see if my sister will help me achieve pushing on some of these pressure points later this afternoon.

Well..I hope to have pictures of our little guy here really soon...and I really am exciting, I just needed to vent to make myself feel a little better!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hiccups/Doctor Check Up

Have you ever sat back and thought about hiccups? I hate them! They hurt, and are very annoying. I fortunately haven't gotten them in a LONG time, but as I sat down a few seconds ago to relax I started feeling little ups and downs in my belly. I was also having a contraction and so I was trying to focus on what the feeling was. Well as I sat in tune with the belly I realized poor Trisitin had the hiccups. I wonder what that feels like for him? Does it hurt him like it hurts us? I don't want him to hurt yet. However if he doesn't come out quick I might hurt him...haha.

Kevin and I went to the doctor yesterday!! I'm not going to like these exams so I'm hoping either he comes soon, or I dilate more!!! OUCH!!! Everything looks great though! My doctor told me ways to get him here sooner, and you can bet that I'll be trying them ALL!!! Even if I'm in pain! I now have two more appointments scheduled. One next Tuesday and then one the following Tuesday!!! I know I can make it, but it drives me nuts not knowing when he's coming!!! We are ready now!! I tell him everyday, and Kevin tells him too. He's so cute when he talks to him....I know he'd kill me if he knew I was telling people this, but he tells him how much we love him, and how ready we are for him to come! I've made it through this week, and will focus on making it to my next appointment! We are going one week at a time! Well...I'm going to try to relax for the evening. I'll keep you updated as best I can!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Its been a while

Well, here I am already slacking off on my blog! Things have been hectic and crazy to say the least, but its almost time to have this baby!!!!

School has started-the smell of freshly sharpened pencils,and new crayons in the box has warn away and I'm left with smelly LOUD children all day. What a joy!!
(by the way while writing this my dog just threw-up I know that is weird to put,but it distracted me as Kevin ran him outside)
Now back to what I was saying-- Aww yes school-I'm already bogged down with loads of papers to grade, and emails to read from parents concerning their 'o so perfect kids'.

This past weekend was the Hamilton Dove Festival-YIPEE.....we made it home Friday night-after a close call of missing a doctors apt. b/c everyone was driving slow to view the wreck on the OPPOSITE SIDE OF 35!!!!!! REALLY PEOPLE......anyway we made it home to rain, and me being VERY tired. So instead of embarking on the homecoming game-I opted to stay home and rest,in my dads VERY VERY hot house. Saturday morning I awoke to the joys of a parade-watched and yelled at Dillan as he marched by-and sat in the heat. I ran into a lot of people I adore, and some I've nearly forgotten, but were really good to meet up with. Its a great time to catch up, and I'm looking forward to next year with Tristin, so I can mingle with my other friends instead of basking in the heat of the day and just wanting to go home. Now I do realize I'll want to hurry and take Tristin home at some point next year-I'm sure he'll be into EVERYTHING and ANYTHING-but that will be for next year.

Sunday we had a small surprise b-day part for Hillary-she is turning 30!!!! It was exciting !! She got to talk/see a few close friends that she hadn't talked to in a while. I got to swim-geez that is hard work by the way-and play b-ball with my dad and Dillan. Towards the end of the day I started feeling bad and went home and headed for the bed.

Monday-FREE OF SCHOOL...I visited my mom and Gina, and we said our goodbyes...I told them this would be it until the big day..and of course mom started sweet...I'm loved! Then Kevin and I went to pick up Averi and took her out to Granny/Pa's where we had a great lunch, and enjoyed each others company. I love them so much! Hillary, Dennis,and Maddie joined us, so the girls got to play for the afternoon, Hill andI got to talk, and the boys....well they took a 2 1/2 hour nap. All while I really wanted to since I didn't feel very good.

We left, and I laid down in the back seat of the truck-slept all the way home, just to load back up again and drive to Round Rock b/c I felt sooooo bad. We stayed in the hospital for 3 hours, and I was given fluids to feel better, and tested for the flu. Good news-I don't have the flu, and I feel much better(after sleeping all day Tuesday).

I just have a few more days to make it to 37 weeks-considered full term!!!! This means anytime I could pop this little guy(big guy) out. I visit the doctor on the 16th to talk about my measurements and our plan-inducing/waiting....I'm excited for this talk-it makes it more real. My Pa gives me until the 25th of this month....Geez that would be nice....I'm running out of room FAST!!! Kevin's shirts are starting not to fit!!

Well...hopefully I can keep up on the blog and not give such long updates....Maybe my mom will stay on me now that she has one!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Where has the time gone?

I have been super busy these past few weeks.-Can you believe it, I mean its not like I'm getting ready to have a kid or anything....haha
So I've started to slow down just a bit-and make list of things I would usually cover in one day-spread into multiple days. However Kevin has been a HUGE help with things I normally do around the house-heck he's always a HUGE help, but he's helping even more now!!!

We had a WONDERFUL shower in Hamilton a few weeks ago, and THANK YOU all that came and THANK YOU all for your love and gifts. We are soo blessed to have such wonderful friends and family.

Here is a picture of our CUTE cake!!

All of the wonderful food we had!!! (If you look close you can see me in the reflection of the look at the side profile..)

This was a gift from my mom, from my was clothes she used on her foster children.

In an emotional state-I couldn't read the sweet card Kevin's mom wrote us-so Hillary read aloud while tears came from my was a box filled with Kevin's baby things-I loved it!!

The girls...Lacey, Kaley, Alyssa and Bella, Gina and Hillary...

I'm now trying to calm myslef this week while in new teacher training b/c we can't get into our rooms-since they are still constructing our school. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I need to get in..and I found out today that I might be switching halls (with the other 7th grade teachers) at the semester so they can finish construction. Then next yr. we are moving to the High school and the HS is moving into the MS. This should be a fun yr..aka..just don't unbox!!! However I want my boxes OUT of my garage!! I'd rather them be in my classroom.

Kevin and I also started birthing classes last thrusday-what fun!! No really we learned a lot on the first night! I can't believe as of the beginning of this week we have min. of 5 weeks left and max of 8!!! That is CRAZY!!! We are about to be real LIVE parents...

Well I'm off to get some items ready for school tomorrow-training is so very much fun(just keep telling yourself that cari)!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Where do my weeks go?

So I'm thinking the exhaustion is slowly coming back to me in my third trimester. I've been trying to stay real upbeat so that maybe I wouldn't notice it. This week is my last week off before school starts. I have to say I'm a little sad!! I did however get a ton accomplished, but I still have so much more I'd like to get done.

On Monday I met Mom and Dillan in Temple and drove with them to College Station so that Dillan could have a tour/look around Texas A&M-I so love that place. I get chills and a rush that comes over me when I just drive into that town. I have to say those years were amazing and I wouldn't change any of them (well maybe the first girl I moved in with-for those that remember snake girl). Anyways I really want Dillan to start thinking about schools and so I've researched a ton of stuff for him to get involved in, and what classes he needs to make sure he's in these last two years of high-school. He's not liking that I'm making him take Spanish 3-but I'm pretty sure he'll thank me later! So we took a tour-I even saw things I'd never seen, such as inside our academic building-Did you know that every state has a replica of the Liberty Bell and they are all in the state capitols except Texas. Ours is in the academic building at Texas A&M. Crazy huh! We had a great time and I can't wait to go back!

On Tuesday I attempted to finish scrapbooking on two books that entailed trips from 2 summers ago. I have to say I am down to just working on a FAMILY book for Kevin and I. I usually do books based on trips, however I'm going to start running them together. Not putting as many stickers etc. on each page to fill up an entire book. We shall see how this goes. I do realize I need to get on this ASAP b/c I'm about to not have ANY time! I've at least got the pictures cut and ready for action!!

Wednesday I organized again-yes I never noticed how our pantry didn't really make sense until yesterday. So it does now. I got rid of A LOT of things that were out of date..that's bad to think I had it, but with moves things get pushed to the back and for some reason newer ones get put in front and you don't see the out of date brownie box learking in the dark. I then re-organized my laundry room/craft room- however most of my boxes of crafts are in the study hidden in the desk-but it is officially clean!! And I finished painting a stool for Tristin, some boxes to store things in for him, and Jana's gift for Kaiden! I enjoy doing these things-but BOY am I tired! I so very wanted to actually CLEAN the house-but that will have to wait.

Thursday-I am up and about-I have a few things I need to get done this morning(clean the house and myself), and then Kooper and I are off to visit Taylor and Kendall for the afternoon. I haven't seen them in a few weeks and miss them both dearly! I have to get back b/c my family (boys) are coming in tonight. They are headed to the coast for a fishing trip with Kevin, while the girls are in Hamilton at Tristin's baby shower!! I am looking forward to seeing people I haven't seen in a LONG while!! We need to have more reasons to get together so we can just hang out!!

Well I've babbled on quite a bit. I hope you are all having a wonderful week!! I'm off to finish it and start a new week-with lovely GT training!! YIPEEEEEEEEEEE

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It has been a while since I've blogged! I have to say I've missed it, but I've enjoyed an afternoon reading and getting an update from everyone else!

Last Monday July 13th, Kevin and I left early for Colorado. We had a big day planned, since Kevin was actually going to Colorado for work and I was just going to tag along. Monday was our only full day without classes, so we landed around 7:30 got in our awesome car-pics later-and drove to Manitou Springs for a trip up the cog railway to Pikes Peak.

Here we are felt SOOOOOO FREAKING GOOD!! A storm was coming, so we took our pictures really quick then left for the gift shop and then for our trip back down the mountain.

After our trip up the mountain, we went to The Cave of was neat, but nothing amazing...and they took our picture for us, however it didn't turn out so well...but Kevin has proudly displayed it on our fridge:).
We then headed for the Garden of the was beautiful!! We had a lot of fun hiking around...yes I hiked...not as much as Kevin would have prob. liked...but he was a trooper, hanging in with me as I trekked ever so slowly along..haha
If we would have waited just a tad...or taken this before the sun, you could see Pikes Peak in the background.
Here is a nice belly shot..haha..Tristin's first big trip!!

We headed back to Denver after this stop and found our Hotel room, food, and went to crash. I was soooooooooooo very tired. But we had a lot of fun!

Thee next morning, I slept in, met Kevin for lunch,and then read out by the pool. When Kevin was finished..we headed to Red Rocks for an afternoon of small hiking and looking.
We went back to town for a bite, and then back to the hotel!!!

The next morning, I took Kevin to his class, and then left to go to the Molly Brown museum downtown. It was very interesting-and I enjoyed this time. I drove back to meet Kevin for lunch, and then sit by the pool and read. This afternoon, we drove to Estes Park. It was soooo nice!! We had a lot of fun here, and would love to go back. We don't have a pic from my digital from sorry..

Happy Anniversary!!! 4 YEARS...The next morning we repeated our steps but I went to the Nature and Science museum. It was very interesting! I liked it a lot. When Kevin finished, we headed downtown to a park, and then to dinner on 16th was lots of fun....Here we are at one of the 200 parks in Denver....

The next morning....we woke up and followed our morning ritual once more, but at 11 Kevin was done with class. We took this time to make a few quick stops here and there, eat lunch..and then dive our cool car back to enterprise.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Public Restrooms

So those of you who know me know of my fetish with using public restrooms. I would rather hold my pee for hours or hit the ditch before using a gas-station potty or fast food restroom.

This weekend was a big test of my previous wishes!! Kevin and I made the trip to Port O'Connor to visit the Family for the 4th. The 3 hour trip was painful, and I did have to give in to the idea of a gas station-many times.I realize now I CAN'T hold it...especially with someone kicking it..hehe It seemed as if I could have gone all day- b/c as soon as we got a few miles down the road from the first stop-I had to go again. I even tried not drinking as much, but that didn't work either.

At one particular time we stopped at Whataburger and I was about to pee my pants-ran in to wait...I could have died...but as soon as the lady walked out, I went in to the ONE "seater", shut the door and went to grab a paper towel to lock it (I DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING), and as I turned around to lock the door, it opened, and a lady just kept walking in...I stood their and looked at her,and finally after our 5 min (really 30 sec) stare down said, I haven't used the bathroom yet..(this is funny thinking back, however I was literally about to go at the time, and didn't find it amusing)..So she said...OOO.and walked her kid out of the bathroom and I quickly locked, and hovered..haha..

I know this isn't the most pleasant topic-but wow-what I'll do already for this little one.

He is supper duper active now-and moves around like you wouldn't believe. At times, I think he is dancing. Its soo very exciting when he moves makes me laugh. I am now at my 3rd trimester, and have less than 3 months..YIPEEE!!

Well I'm off to bed for the evening..I have family-mom, aunt and cousin- coming tomorrow and I'm sooo excited! I'll post about them soon!! Have a good night!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

One project down, many more to go

As I was watching HGTV a few weeks ago, I got a great idea from a show, where they made a collage of artwork through fun old items. As I sat back and thought, I wondered-where could I put something of this sort in our house, without having to rearrange to much and make Kevin mad by changing the look of yet another room.

As I pondered, I walked into Tristin's room, with yet a still black wall-which don't get me wrong I had found a few things to place up, but hadn't gotten around to it. Thats when it hit me...his name. Now Kevin isn't tooo big on putting Tristin's name up on a wall-he thinks it is kinda girly-but I told myself I could find a way for him to like it.
When I visited Kevin last week for lunch, Inoticed an old scrap peice of wood-and asked him if it was of any use. He said-it wasn't, that it came from a crate that was shipped to them, and he just took it apart-b/c Kevin doesn't waste anything!! He brought it home on Monday and cut it down to size, and on Tuesday I started to work. I got everything done, but hanging it on the wall-b/c Kevin was tooo tired to help, and I knew I'd get SUPER frustrated if I tried myslef. So up it went today. Here are a few pictures,and a few pictures of his room. We've got a little more to work on, but it is almost complete!