Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Husband and Lil Man

Aren't they both just so wonderful?  I have to say I have a good looking family-two good looking boys!! :) These two guys are all a girl could ask for (until I get ready to try for a girl..haha). I have a lil boy who is wonderful (despite the fact that he's still congested and I took him in today to find out we need to being doing all sorts of treatments to get him better).  But to top it off, I have a husband who is great!  He gets me, and puts up with me, but most of all takes care of me.  I am spoiled-he will tell you that.  He helps me clean on his day off, he cooks for me 98% of the time (I cook the other 2%), he rubs my back, he helps me with Tristin, he doesn't mind helping with the laundry, he cleans up after himself (except for the clothes he takes off before workout or bed-he just lays them on the floor), and he loves me.  How did I ever get so lucky to have two great guys? He's my rock, someone that allows me to get frustrated with, cry on, and talk to and at the end of the day still care and love me. 

Lets face it-this year has been rough. A new job-having a wonderful addition-going through hormonal changes-not wanting to go back to work-Tristin ending up in the hospital-me finding out I don't have a job-not wanting to go back to work.  (No I don't want any cheese with my whine) But really stress central!! Kevin hasn't given up on me yet-he still tells me everyday he cares and loves me.  He's wonderful and I wouldn't trade him for the world.  I just hope he knows how much he is appreciated.  So honey-if you don't and you are reading this-hopefully you understand now. 

Keep your blessing in mind, and surround yourself in love-life always gets better-and God can see the bigger picture-just follow his guidence. 

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


So it is a fact that I'm looking for yet again a NEW JOB.  Why does this seem to be a trend in my life lately?

Why is it that I feel so pressured to get a job?  Why can't I be like 1/3 of our country and not work or the other 2/3's who don't pay taxes? Why do they get the chance to sit at home, watch tv on their big screens and eat bon bons while I go to work and wish I was at home with my baby?  I realize we could live on Kevin's income-but that is just live.  If we wanted to make it work we'd have to move-which I'm not up for.  This puts us in a poor neighborhood and I want my kids to grow up in the best.  I guess thats why I'm looking for a job. 

I'd really like to work in a building like "The Office"....and also truely think I'm being filmed for a tv show.  That would make life interesting.  I have put in my resume to Hays and Austin county-but who knows since a million people apply to both daily.

I've also tossed up the idea of keeping babies at my house.  I would have to take out the dinning room and change it into a "playroom" but it might be worth it.  Perhaps I could keep 2 or 3 kids,along with Tristin and still be a sane adult. :)

What is it that I should do/be when I grow up?  Any suggestions would help-or if anyone knows of  a job in Austin, TX-let me know. I'm willing to learn-however I MUST have time with my lil boy :-)

5 months

I figured before I wrote one for 6 months I better update everyone on our fifth month first.

We are yet still amazed at everything that you do. You make us smile everyday and have brought me closer than I ever thought to your father-whom I love and adore very much.  (If only he'd let me stay home with you..haha).

This month....

..You are sitting up all by yourself and you LOVE it!!
..You still can't pull yourself up, but you try so very hard!!
..You now LOVE I mean LOVE taking baths.  Now that you can play around and sit up in the water your good to go.
..You love your yellow duckys that swim with you in the water.
..You don't mind that I put lotion on you.
..You HATE I repeat HATE when I put clothes on you.  You'd rather be free in your diaper. 
..You have offically started teething-and you pull on your gums so hard. It hurts me.
..When you see mommy or daddy after being gone you love to give kisses.  They are VERY WET, but you just love on us. 
..You still aren't sleeping through the night. You wake up around 12 for about 3 min, and then around 3 or 4. This usally means your going to end up sleeping in our bed (which I don't mind) so we can get some sleep. I'm praying its the teeth.
..You roll over and twist and turn in your crib at night. Rolling over usually wakes you up!
..You've outgrown your bouncer.-TOOO Heavy
..You are wearing 9-12 month clothes. 
..You are eating stage 2 foods-which you like SO much better.  I haven't fed you anything you haven't liked. (you even liked squash although it made you constipated-and mommy is afriad to try it again)
..You LOVE your puffs. You go nuts when you notice the yellow container.  It makes us laugh. 
..You like it when mommy shares her yogurt with you. :)

I just know I'm going to wake up in a few days (it will seem) and you'll be walking!!!  Hold up lil one!! Your daddy and I love you very much!

Its About Time!!

I am so very sorry for just getting arouond to my blogging.  I have been so worn out lately.  When I get home I play with Tristin as much as I can and by the time we eat, clean up, and shower I'm OUT!

So we have a week and our little boy will be 6 months.  We've gotten to share 5 months of bliss with this lil boy that I could have never expected.  He is amazing and so wonderful to have.  We just got back from Spring Break.  We traveled to Arkansas with our neighbors Jesse and Adrienne.  They are such a wonderful couple and I am so thankful they are so wonderful.  Jesse bought an RV for his band rig-however he'd been dying to go camping.  One night after dinner we sat around an joked at first about going somewhere-well that joke turned into an 8 hour trip to Arkansas. It was so much fun.  It was however very different with a 5 month old.  What a great way to travel-walking around, bathroom, food, tv, playtime for Tristin!! Tristin was actually wonderful through the long drive and while camping.  He LOVED being outside and going on our hikes!! I have a feeling I'm going to be outside A LOT this summer, and using up bottles of sunscreen on our lil man (who is as fair as the snow).  I'm trying to look on the brighter side of things- a tan for me.  (Speaking of fair-wow my legs are ghostly!!) Anyways-we loved our travel time and our company. 

When we got back my mom came to visit.  Its always so wonderful when your family comes to visit.  Especially my mom.  She gets me-even when I don't get me-she does.  We shopped around Austin-Ikea, The Domain-Target-Buy Buy Baby-Lowes, and then around San Marcos-Hobby Lobby-Bed Bath and Beyond-The Outlet.  It was a blast. I spent more money that I should have, but o well.  That is life I guess.  I love our talks and memories we carry.  I hope I can either share this bond with Trisin's wife, or have a daughter of my own one day.  :)

Trisitn is sitting up now and ever so slightly trying to reach out for things beyond his arm-putting him on his knees at times.  Then his week arms get tired and he looks like a seal hitting the floor.  Of course he hollers and I pull him up.  He absolutely LOVES to eat!  We are now on stage 2 foods-allowing us to eat things like chicken, ham, turkey, chicken noodle.  He can't wait when he sees his bowl. He is also VERY addicted to puffs (like a cheerio, but disolves much faster).  If he ever so slightly catches a glimpse of his can-his legs start kicking and he starts this humming sound. Hahaha...its funny! 

I'll post more about our little man soon.  I want to attach some pictures before I head off to work.  (Well it isn't letting me-it says failed everytime I try to upload. I will try again tonight)