Tuesday, July 27, 2010

8 months old!

Wow-I can’t believe how much you’ve started to grow. Who said you could do this so fast? I can see changes in you that I didn’t think I’d see for another few months or let alone years. We have just a few more days of school left and then we are home for the summer. I have been looking forward to this day since I took you to daycare in January. I can’t wait to wake up and just get to play with you ALL day long! I want you to know just how much your father and I love you and care for you! You honestly make our day and we can’t wait to play with you when we get home.

Well here is what you’ve been up to…

-We have an actual crawler..good bye army crawls! Hello EVERYTHING!!

-You are everywhere! You really don’t sit still..and if we try to make you-you very kindly let us know that that isn’t going to happen.

-You still love to eat! We’ve given you hamburger meat and you really like it-however something tells me you’d like anything we give you.

-Mornings are a task when I try to eat breakfast. You love it when I share! You get sooo excited!

-You still love your juice!

-You have to be weighing 30 pounds…haha. No you are around 22.

-You wear 12-18 month clothes! The 12 month are starting to get a LITTLE tight. :)

- You are talking more and more! You say Momma! I love it!!

-You love your friends at daycare. I don’t know what we are going to do without them this summer!
-You are the happiest little boy I know!! You can make anyone stop and smile!

-You play with a ball ALL OF THE TIME! One doesn’t leave his site!

-You still love giving high fives!

-You’ve let go of your cup-its been replaced by a ball!

-You still aren’t sleeping through the night but we are working on it. You’ve started to cry yourself to sleep.

-Just a few more days and we will get the sleep pattern down hopefully..come on summer!

-You give me kisses everyday when I pick you up as you squeal and hug me sooo tight. It is sweet and the other moms love it!!

-You still LOVE bath time. And our small outside pool is your favorite!! What fun we are going to have!

-Thank you for growing and learning and keeping me on my toes. You are my heart and I love every moment I spend with you! Your father and I are so very very proud you are in our life.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Drum Roll...
I've actually sat down and uploaded pictures from my camera to my computer. While doing so I organized all of my photos-aka pictures of Tristin by month so I can keep up with them once I get around to printing them out. 

We have one week of school.  Unlike my mom, and sister-in-law who were out LAST WEEK!  :(  I can do this though.  We have half days and well....I can make it!  I am really looking forward to Thursday.  I get to move all of my boxes to the NEW SCHOOL!! I can't WAIT!  Lets be honest though...I'm not really looking forward to moving ALL OF MY BOXES.

Before I post a few photos here is an update on our Lil Man.  We have a crawler.  A funny looking crawl, but a crawler. For the past week he has been somewhere between an actual normal crawl, and a hunting/army crawl.  He does a lot more pulling -sorta like a worm.  He goes and goes and goes though.  He feel so accomplished once he's reached his destination.  I'm wondering what the next few weeks will have in store for me-Defiantly a baby gate will be purchased.  He can almost crawl to his table, or bed and pull himself up-He tries really hard, but doesn't have his knees under him to pull himself up.  I usually step in, help him get to his knees and then he's off to standing.  We are working on our balance.  We seem to just want to walk or turn to come to me, but forget we must hang on.  I'm looking to get him a riding toy-any suggestions?

Here are a few photos...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

7 Months Old

Ok so by the time this post is actually posted, Tristin will probably be 8 months old!! I've sat down numerous times and have tried to complete a post, but have failed every time. 

My computer has had a small part to do with this delay.  We are experiencing problems with my video card and or LCD screen.  I have someone from Dell coming to my house to fix the problem.  It's times like this I love warranty's.

So our little love bug is growing up sooo very fast.  I can't stand it!! One day he was crying for me to help him sit up and the next he's pushing himself up to sit!!  So lets see what we've accomplished..

-You absolutely love to eat! You love chicken nuggets and peaches!! However we still force oatmeal with mixed food down you and you act like its the best in the world. 
-You still love your juice!  I think you would drink a gallon a day if we'd let you. 
-You actually like tummy time now!!  You get on the floor and make 360's trying to get your toys!! It is really funny. 
-You've started pushing up on your hands and knees but you just rock.  You do this a lot and make this funny hummmm noise.  I am guessing its because you don't know what to do with yourself. 
- You still LOVE to hear yourself and sing so so LOUD!!
-You are in love with one of the little girls at daycare! You just smile at her, and try to go talk to her.
-You say a lot of G's and B's.  But this morning I heard a Mm.  I know you'll get it down eventually.
-You don't want anyone but me in the morning!! Maybe it's because I supply your food.  No but really you are a mommy's boy right now. Don't get me wrong-you LOVE your daddy you think he is funny!! The other day he was digging in the ground with a shovel and every time he'd hit the ground you would laugh!!
-You love to play ball! 
-You can wave hi and bye-when it pleases you.
-You can give high-fives!! Your dad loves this! 
-Your favorite color is yellow or orange-weird but you love taking your yellow cup around with you wherever we go.
-You love to feed yourself.  You love it when we give you finger foods.
-You will pull up on us while we are on the floor. 
-You roll back and forth when we put you to bed and you just talk to yourself. At times you cry-but we let you figure it all out.  We have caught you with your leg stuck in the slats and you didn't like that at all!
-You give me kisses everyday when I pick you up as you squeal and hug me sooo tight.  It is sweet and the other moms love it!! 
-You still LOVE bath time.  You like to splash water EVERYWHERE which tells me the pool is a must this year.  Perhaps we will stick to our neighbors plastic pool until I get a small tan, and then we can go out and about. 

We have a lot planned this summer-the zoo, visiting cousins, baseball games!! I can't wait to share pictures and enjoy my time off with you!  Only a few more weeks!! 

You are such a blessing and I love spending my time with you.  You melt my heart (even when you wake up early) and I look at you with tears a lot and thank God for bringing you to me.  I love you so so much!  Thanks for being such a Happy Happy Boy!!

I'll post pictures soon-my computer will be fixed FRIDAY!! WHOOP!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Wedding Videographers

Today is Friday.  I can't tell you how thrilled I am that it is Friday.  I wanted to try to contact my new principal today but after I found out she wasn't on campus I began looking on our schools website. I was ecstatic to find out many of the teachers I will be teaching with went to TEXAS A&M!! How exciting is that!!  I truely miss that school and am thrilled about sharing my experiences with my collegues.

Well...I started looking on a few websites to find one in particular aggie that looked familar.  Of course she was one of my good college friends girl friend.  Troy and I had classes together everyday for 2 years.  I knew of his girlfriend and met her a time or two,however we never hung out.  The two have split their ways over the last 3 years and have found someone else. They are now both truely happy and I'm grateful for that.  His ex whom I will be teaching with, had a wedding video on her website that I watched during my 6th period class (dont tell).  I didn't get to listen to it, so when I got home today I wanted to get the full experience.  This clip was amazing.  I quickly clicked on the link after the short video to find a WONDERFUL videographer.  Her work is amazing. I've spent over an hour watching her videos in aww. I've cried, I've laughed and reminised over her work.  It is truely amazing.  The funny thing is I DON'T KNOW ANY OF THESE PEOPLE!! I even made Kevin watch..haha!

If you get some time check out this link. http://vimeo.com/vanessamckellar
If you have lots of time look for the story of Erika and Phil.  Watch the invitation one first and then the LONG but AMAZING video of their special day.  What a blessing to have. 

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Who knew daycare could cost so much, make me stress, or ask if I'd like to be put on a waiting list?

After accepting my new job-Kevin and I started to think of where we'd put Tristin. I want him to be in a place with loving teachers and kids he can grow with, all while being safe and home-like.

Who would have thought Kevin and I would disagree on this topic? Kevin" Why can't we just put him anywhere?" Me"I'm not going to put him in a daycare that Jo Blow goes to who gives him lice, or where his playground is the hwyway." (really a place Kevin was considering)

So I sent Kevin who took our neighbor on a daycare hunt.
First Stop Primrose....

The boys were greeted with a smile and energetic director eager to sell their program and daycare. The boys stayed 45 min. They saw every room and learned about the academic program they use. By the time they are in Kindergarten they are all reading on a 2nd grade reading level. This daycare is more of a school than play time. I loved everything Kevin had to tell me about it. After he visited this daycare he was sold and understood why we couldn't just put Tristin anywhere. I was excited and asked for the price. He gave me a smirk and softly uttered one thousand fifty dollars. DID YOU READ THAT???? $1,050!!!!! I nearly fell off of our kitchen stool.

I then asked about the next school they visited.
The Children’s Courtyard

This was the second stop. The stop the boys felt awkward at and glad to have a non energetic guide. They spent about 5 minutes at the daycare. They took a short walk to the infant room aka kennel (beds were stacked on top of each other). They were then asked how old THEIR son was.....HAHAHAHA!! They looked at one another and said...O NO!!! They did get the price and when he told me this one...I really did have to stand up...1,070!!! WHO PAYS THIS MUCH? Who can afford this?

I become really worried we weren't going to be able to afford daycare. Kevin and I are looking to save up this year to prepare for a new car payment in the future. It didn't seem like this was going to even be a thought.
Well, today I went to sign my papers at AISD. I asked about daycare at AISD schools and received a few numbers. AISD used to have daycare just for their employees. They have now opened it up for the community-but space is VERY limited. I was wary about putting him in a school that I hadn't checked out or that might not be as loving. I took the plunge and called the elementary that will be a mile down the road from me, that is also in a VERY VERY nice neighborhood. The director answered my phone call in a happy, bouncy, and energetic voice. I explained that I would be new to AISD and she replied with "we have one spot open in the infant room". I very quickly asked what I needed to do to take this spot. She very kindly said she'd put me down for the last vacancy if I'd come by within the next few days to officially reserve the spot.
I was nervous since I haven't seen the school, but have heard it’s wonderful. The director sounded wonderful and well-I feel on top of the world now. What is even better...it cost 680!!!!! I LOVE IT ALREADY!! HAHAHA!! He will be in a class of 6 boys and 1 girl. We will get to go visit it tomorrow afternoon, and sign him up. I'm so excited. YEA Kiker Elementary for having such a wonderful, welcoming, affordable daycare.

New Job

So my prayers have been answered. I recieved the call last Thursday that I had a job. They were excited about becoming apart of their team. I'm thrilled to be apart of such a wonderful school.

Gorzychi (said.GOR-RISKY) Middle School opened its doors in 2009.  They have a wonderful school, filled with wonderful teachers, and students. 

I went and signed my papers today to make it official.  It was a great feeling to feel wanted and excepted.  I honestly can't wait to start my new journey. I just hope they let me (AKA Kevin) move my boxes over soon!


Monday, April 5, 2010

6 Months

I can't believe 6 months have flown by! Tristin you are still such a blessing to your father and I.  We love you very much.  You hated your shots today-but got to stay home with Mommy!!  I tried to help you forget about them. 

At 6 months

~You have 2 teeth
~You are starting to push up with your arms and tuck in your knees-and you rock to a belly flop
~You can pull up on our fingers-the doctor was uber impressed that you were doing this, and made sure we put your bed on the lowest setting.(which we did tonight)
~You are squealing-LOUD
~You see your mommy and whine and reach out
~You LOVE your outdoor swing
~You can offically start eating yogurt (even though I've been giving you small bites here and there)
~You still LOVE food
~You are sleeping a little bit better-but your teeth hurt so thats been given you problems
~You are still on breathing treatments-but you sound MUCH better
~You are wearing 9-12 month clothes
~You like watching Mommy type on the computer and try to copy her...
~You LOVE to play!! 

Here are a few Easter pictures.....


What a wonderful holiday to celebrate! I'm so glad I got to spend it with family, and Tristin got to see his cousins. They are hilarious,and Trisin just loves watching them.  We sang-Denver, Averi and Maddie ALL love Taylor Swift so she was the artist of choice to sing..."She wears short skirts I wear (teachers-Maddie) T-shirts she's cheer captin and,,,"  They can sing the ENTIRE song!!  We laughed-Maddie is always quick to tell someone No or that its not right, while Averi is always mothering, and trying to get Maddie to see the right way-or the right in something-its tooo funny!!

The Easter Bunny made a stop by my moms house on Saturday and the kids enjoyed their hunt. Enjoy some photos...

We have Teeth

Wed. the 31st of March, we woke up to a pretty cheerful boy. The day before was rough and he was upset while at daycare. They called a little before noon on Wednesday asking if they could give him any orajel, and I agreed. I went on my lunch break to visit my lil guy, to find him tearful.  He was so sad, but so very glad to see his mommy.  I held him and rocked him-and nursed him to sleep.  When I picked him up that afternoon I no longer had my precious gummed boy, but a lil boy who was growing up-with a tooth!! I was nervous about it, but its cute.  Everything about him is cute-so why wouldn't this be?

This past Sat. as I was trying to show off our tooth spurt, we noticed the next tooth.  :)  How much fun food will soon be!!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Husband and Lil Man

Aren't they both just so wonderful?  I have to say I have a good looking family-two good looking boys!! :) These two guys are all a girl could ask for (until I get ready to try for a girl..haha). I have a lil boy who is wonderful (despite the fact that he's still congested and I took him in today to find out we need to being doing all sorts of treatments to get him better).  But to top it off, I have a husband who is great!  He gets me, and puts up with me, but most of all takes care of me.  I am spoiled-he will tell you that.  He helps me clean on his day off, he cooks for me 98% of the time (I cook the other 2%), he rubs my back, he helps me with Tristin, he doesn't mind helping with the laundry, he cleans up after himself (except for the clothes he takes off before workout or bed-he just lays them on the floor), and he loves me.  How did I ever get so lucky to have two great guys? He's my rock, someone that allows me to get frustrated with, cry on, and talk to and at the end of the day still care and love me. 

Lets face it-this year has been rough. A new job-having a wonderful addition-going through hormonal changes-not wanting to go back to work-Tristin ending up in the hospital-me finding out I don't have a job-not wanting to go back to work.  (No I don't want any cheese with my whine) But really stress central!! Kevin hasn't given up on me yet-he still tells me everyday he cares and loves me.  He's wonderful and I wouldn't trade him for the world.  I just hope he knows how much he is appreciated.  So honey-if you don't and you are reading this-hopefully you understand now. 

Keep your blessing in mind, and surround yourself in love-life always gets better-and God can see the bigger picture-just follow his guidence. 

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


So it is a fact that I'm looking for yet again a NEW JOB.  Why does this seem to be a trend in my life lately?

Why is it that I feel so pressured to get a job?  Why can't I be like 1/3 of our country and not work or the other 2/3's who don't pay taxes? Why do they get the chance to sit at home, watch tv on their big screens and eat bon bons while I go to work and wish I was at home with my baby?  I realize we could live on Kevin's income-but that is just live.  If we wanted to make it work we'd have to move-which I'm not up for.  This puts us in a poor neighborhood and I want my kids to grow up in the best.  I guess thats why I'm looking for a job. 

I'd really like to work in a building like "The Office"....and also truely think I'm being filmed for a tv show.  That would make life interesting.  I have put in my resume to Hays and Austin county-but who knows since a million people apply to both daily.

I've also tossed up the idea of keeping babies at my house.  I would have to take out the dinning room and change it into a "playroom" but it might be worth it.  Perhaps I could keep 2 or 3 kids,along with Tristin and still be a sane adult. :)

What is it that I should do/be when I grow up?  Any suggestions would help-or if anyone knows of  a job in Austin, TX-let me know. I'm willing to learn-however I MUST have time with my lil boy :-)

5 months

I figured before I wrote one for 6 months I better update everyone on our fifth month first.

We are yet still amazed at everything that you do. You make us smile everyday and have brought me closer than I ever thought to your father-whom I love and adore very much.  (If only he'd let me stay home with you..haha).

This month....

..You are sitting up all by yourself and you LOVE it!!
..You still can't pull yourself up, but you try so very hard!!
..You now LOVE I mean LOVE taking baths.  Now that you can play around and sit up in the water your good to go.
..You love your yellow duckys that swim with you in the water.
..You don't mind that I put lotion on you.
..You HATE I repeat HATE when I put clothes on you.  You'd rather be free in your diaper. 
..You have offically started teething-and you pull on your gums so hard. It hurts me.
..When you see mommy or daddy after being gone you love to give kisses.  They are VERY WET, but you just love on us. 
..You still aren't sleeping through the night. You wake up around 12 for about 3 min, and then around 3 or 4. This usally means your going to end up sleeping in our bed (which I don't mind) so we can get some sleep. I'm praying its the teeth.
..You roll over and twist and turn in your crib at night. Rolling over usually wakes you up!
..You've outgrown your bouncer.-TOOO Heavy
..You are wearing 9-12 month clothes. 
..You are eating stage 2 foods-which you like SO much better.  I haven't fed you anything you haven't liked. (you even liked squash although it made you constipated-and mommy is afriad to try it again)
..You LOVE your puffs. You go nuts when you notice the yellow container.  It makes us laugh. 
..You like it when mommy shares her yogurt with you. :)

I just know I'm going to wake up in a few days (it will seem) and you'll be walking!!!  Hold up lil one!! Your daddy and I love you very much!

Its About Time!!

I am so very sorry for just getting arouond to my blogging.  I have been so worn out lately.  When I get home I play with Tristin as much as I can and by the time we eat, clean up, and shower I'm OUT!

So we have a week and our little boy will be 6 months.  We've gotten to share 5 months of bliss with this lil boy that I could have never expected.  He is amazing and so wonderful to have.  We just got back from Spring Break.  We traveled to Arkansas with our neighbors Jesse and Adrienne.  They are such a wonderful couple and I am so thankful they are so wonderful.  Jesse bought an RV for his band rig-however he'd been dying to go camping.  One night after dinner we sat around an joked at first about going somewhere-well that joke turned into an 8 hour trip to Arkansas. It was so much fun.  It was however very different with a 5 month old.  What a great way to travel-walking around, bathroom, food, tv, playtime for Tristin!! Tristin was actually wonderful through the long drive and while camping.  He LOVED being outside and going on our hikes!! I have a feeling I'm going to be outside A LOT this summer, and using up bottles of sunscreen on our lil man (who is as fair as the snow).  I'm trying to look on the brighter side of things- a tan for me.  (Speaking of fair-wow my legs are ghostly!!) Anyways-we loved our travel time and our company. 

When we got back my mom came to visit.  Its always so wonderful when your family comes to visit.  Especially my mom.  She gets me-even when I don't get me-she does.  We shopped around Austin-Ikea, The Domain-Target-Buy Buy Baby-Lowes, and then around San Marcos-Hobby Lobby-Bed Bath and Beyond-The Outlet.  It was a blast. I spent more money that I should have, but o well.  That is life I guess.  I love our talks and memories we carry.  I hope I can either share this bond with Trisin's wife, or have a daughter of my own one day.  :)

Trisitn is sitting up now and ever so slightly trying to reach out for things beyond his arm-putting him on his knees at times.  Then his week arms get tired and he looks like a seal hitting the floor.  Of course he hollers and I pull him up.  He absolutely LOVES to eat!  We are now on stage 2 foods-allowing us to eat things like chicken, ham, turkey, chicken noodle.  He can't wait when he sees his bowl. He is also VERY addicted to puffs (like a cheerio, but disolves much faster).  If he ever so slightly catches a glimpse of his can-his legs start kicking and he starts this humming sound. Hahaha...its funny! 

I'll post more about our little man soon.  I want to attach some pictures before I head off to work.  (Well it isn't letting me-it says failed everytime I try to upload. I will try again tonight)

Monday, February 15, 2010


I wish I had time...

I promise to post pictures soon!!

For now-I'm home alone with Tristin for the night, and have told myself I have to go to bed. If I don't, I'll be so tried in the morning.  Please let this be the night my lil man sleeps through the night without a fuss!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

4 months

Tristin has gotten so big!! He's started to do wonderful things, which make each day so much fun.

I will post the progression pics soon, but for now here are a few things about our Lil/Big Boy!

Weight..18 pounds 90 %
Length...26 inches 86 %
Head...?(don’t remember) 82 %

At least he is all big..haha
Tristin here are a few things about you....

-You've now been on cereal for about a month-and its getting harder for you to poo!
-You love your apple/prune juice
-You tried squash-but didn't really like it
-You LOVE your saucer, and can't wait to be put in it in the mornings while mommy eats breakfast.
-You LOVE to talk..everyone thinks you say HI to them, b/c when you see someone you say..hiiiiiii its cute and everyone laughs
-You love to blow bubbles and spit!!
-You slobber A LOT, and go through many clothes at daycare b/c of this
-You are o so close to sitting up by yourself. Today you played for 2 min. sitting by yourself, and then fell and cried a bit. Then you tried again, but kept falling back-and you'd grunt soo hard and pull yourself up...we were amazed.
-You still hate your tummy
-You LOVE to eat your hands, Sophie your giraffe, your rattle, well anything you can get your hands on.
-You don't care for your swing much
-You are having a hard time sleeping (after you were sick) and we are up several times a night still
-You can stand up for a really long time
-You really started liking your jumper/no big jumps yet, but you swing
-Still don't care for baths, but LOVE taking showers with mommy
-You are now wearing 6-9 month clothes and close to 12 months
-You've just moved up to a size 4 diaper
-And your Pedi said we need to look into getting a bigger car seat for you! I thought you were supposed to stay in your carrier until you were 1!! Slow down BOY!
Well that’s about it.....

Its been a while

Finally a few moments to write...hang tight folks. I've got a few blogs to write

January 16th, we woke up to a very sad, cranky lil boy. He seemed to not feel very well-a cry we've never heard. I held him close and rocked him all day and prayed he would get better. I kept telling myself it was a cold. The week before Trisitn started to have a clogged nose, and it was nasty. (Something the booger mom loves, but nasty) Sunday rolled around and Tristin was still showing signs of sickness. He slept all day long. I believe I called my mom at least 4 times, worrying about him.

Monday morning, we called in to the pedi to check up on his status. We quickly found out it was RSV. We were notified that it was common, but we needed to watch for rapid breathing, and wheezing. I quickly called into the school to notify them of my situation. We took Tristin home with a double ear infection, and RSV. I just held him close. We were told to leave him out of daycare for the week, so Kevin and I quickly split up our week. I was going to take of Tuesday, and Wednesday leaving Thursday for Kevin to take off (since he's off on Fridays). Tristin and I hung out in bed all day long and cuddled.

Tuesday morning I woke up to a scream at 3:00. I looked him over and calmed him down. I didn't see anything noticeable or different, but as I started to lay down beside him I thought I'd take the time to count his breaths. 84-I quickly woke Kevin and told him, and asked him to count. 82. I got upset, and Kevin called our Pedi who told us to go ahead and take him to the ER. We drove in, and our lil guy stumped the nurses. He looked fine, no fever, but was breathing really fast. We started a series of breathing treatments and checks. We had x-rays-scary and horrible to watch. It looked like they were torturing him. Then back for more treatments. It was determined he was having a hard time breathing, and the doctors wanted a more specific doctor to look at him. Tristin was put on oxygen and we rode by ambulance to Dell.
We arrived to begin another series of treatments, and to camp out in the ER till 6 that evening. They decided around noon that they wanted to keep him over night to monitor, and to keep him on oxygen. Night number one-rough, but we were hopeful. Day two-started out ok, but he didn't want to eat at all. He was then introduced to the feeding tube. Not pretty! Day number 3,we were ready to GET OUT....and by 10 that morning, they came in to set us free. I am still tired from this week, and don't have the words to describe how scared, and nervous I was the entire time.

We took him in for a checkup that Friday, and were sent home with a breathing treatment and some prayers.

What a week...here are some photos

Our Trip to Dell....                                                                   ER at Dell/with Dad 
Tired Lil boy......                                          Feeding Tube that I didn't like!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Today is Tuesday..did you all realize that, because I swore it was Wednesday ALL DAY LONG!! I even went to my Wednesday duty station, and skipped out on my Tuesday. Where is my head.  I know its consumed in school, and wishing the days would fly by so I can take my baby home and play with him.  I catch myself wanting summer to be here sooo bad, and then getting caught up because I realize he'll be 8 months old and moving all over the place and my little baby wont be a baby anymore.  That hurts, but I try to tell myself how fun it will be.  I just never realized how much I'd love my baby boy.  He's growing soo much with every day that passes.  I tried to hold him in my arms today, and he really doesn't fit anymore-it made me sad. So my goal is to keep my head up and enjoy every moment I can with him.  Today we played a lot, read books, and ate cereal-wow pictures to come he is a messy eater..haha.

Our mornings are so good together-we play and talk its such a great way to wake up-and if you know me you know I HATE the mornings-so this is great!! 

I'll post pictures soon...duty calls-we have a little one who was out now awake...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 3

Today was hardest of all. It started out with me being exhausted yesterday evening, but not going to bed until around 10:45. When I had just fallen into my slumber a peeping cry sounded through the monitor and I quickly got up, with Kevin to follow at 12:30. We got him fixed up (paci) and then headed back for bed. I was praying that was the last I'd here from him till 6ish. Well as luck had it, our little boy who had a hard day of naps the day before (going to a new place is hard work) woke up at 3:30ish, then at 4-which I just stayed in his room. Best idea I had was to put a twin in his room!! :) Well by 4:30 when he voiced again-just louder-I got him up to feed. Boy he was hungry!! Haha...I could barely keep my eyes open! We feed and changed our clothes-he laughed and smiled. It was a jolly time-until I got the boogie sucker...which he actually did pretty good on!! Once I got him settled I rocked him and watch his pretty blue eyes, that are turning greenish I think, fall asleep. I quickly started to cry. How was it that I could leave this little boy for someone else to "raise". How could I bother his sleep later to take him to a place he doesn't know? I got up from the rocker and put him in bed and snuggled close to him. His smell is heaven sent. I didn't want to get up...I wanted to lay with him all day!!

I quickly came back to reality and got up to get ready for work. We left the house, a bit late, but nevertheless we left. I got about five miles down the road and the tears started to fall..When I wiped away the salty water the glare of red and blue were brought to my attention. I was getting pulled over..how could this be today of all days. I just wanted to get to work to get my day over with so I could pick up my baby. I pulled into a subdivision and got my licences and registration out. The tears by now were falling. I rolled down my window to let the cold air draft in, and began to hysterically cry.
"Mam, good morning"-officer
"Good morning sir, I'm m m s s sorry"-me (crying trying to catch my breath to talk)
"Mam, its ok"
"I know, I'm just taking my baby to day daycare"
"Awe, first one?"
"Y, Yes sir" (first time Ive ever been nice to an officer by the way and even called him sir more than once)
"Well I have 3 little girls, you'll be ok, I know its hard"
"I kno know"
"You need to be strong for him though"
"Well, just know its 55, not 65 out here in the country, and be safe for that little boy"
"Yes, sir, thank you"

First time I've ever cried in front of a cop, first time, Ive ever truly meant what I said to a cop, and the first time I've gotten a cop from even looking at my insurance or drivers license.

I got to school tear free from then on, and put on my mommy panties to take him inside his daycare. I placed him in a crib since he was asleep and walked out the door. I made it to the car before I allowed myself to cry again.

I arrived at school to greet my kids and welcome them back from Christmas. I truly love the teaching field-however I miss my baby.

I pray today he is geared up after school so I can see him/play with him tonight. We are going to try our best to get into bed by 9:00. Keep your fingers crossed.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Tristin's 1st Day at Daycare

Well, I've been dreading this day since October 1st when I held my little boy in my hands. Right away I was in love and couldn't wait to teach this little boy about the world and all of its wonders. I've been blessed to enjoy 3 months with Tristin, and watch him grow daily. This is honestly the best thing in life! I've gotten to witness so many accomplishments already. Watching him smile, rub his eyes when he's tired, swing and just laugh with excitement, stand up in my lap, sit up, roll over, and the list goes on. I didn't know how happy he would make me.

This morning, I didn't want to wake up-I didn't want to take my little boy to daycare for someone else to watch, because I wanted to watch him. I wanted to be there after his nap, and talk to him after he feeds, and read books. I wanted to change his diaper and hear him fuss when he was tired and ready for a nap. I know that I need to go back to work, this is what I need to do so I can bring him up the way I'd like to, but it was so very hard taking that step and letting go this morning.

I went into his room (with tears) and woke him up. We feed and played, and talked. Then loaded up in the car and took off to work. The entire way I cried...I could have helped to fill up the rivers...We got to school and he woke up..(I was really hoping he'd stay asleep so I could feel as if I was sneaking away) I handed him to Miss Mary his main teacher, and went back to the car for a load. When I came back he was smiling and kicking around. So happy. That made my heart sing. I am sooo blessed to have him, and so happy to have such a happy boy. It was good to see him smile this morning after all. I went over his schedule like his teacher couldn't read, or this was her first baby to keep. I walked out with tears falling down my checks and just took one step at a time. I really wanted to go sweep him up and take him back home, but I let go. This is one of many to come, and I didn't realize how hard it would be. He's one special boy and I will now cherish every moment we have.

However if anyone ever wins the lottery and wants to share with me, I'd love to stay home and teach my baby.

I about ran into his room this afternoon to find him being rocked, and ready to eat. He was so happy to see me. He just smiled and grinned!! We came home ( after having a quick car nap) and played and played. He was so tired. He went to bed a little after nine, and I haven't heard a peep.

I pray my week gets easier,and he keeps up his joyfulness at daycare.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Tristin Rolling Over

Tristin has been growing up very quick!! He got a saucer for Christmas, but really just the past 2 days has he started really liking it!! Now he'll squeal and bounce around!! He's also been sitting up by himself, but a hand has to be pretty near, because he'll get excited and push back with his legs!!! (This happened in the tub last week and it wasn't a fun sight...my cat like reflex caught him before he went kaboom)

He's taken a break in rolling over, but just today he rolled over 5 times. Hopefully it will stick,and he'll continue. Next stop really sitting up-I guess the bed needs to move down a few notches!! Then crawling..he likes to get his knees under him already...give me another month or two please!!

This was the last time we put him on his belly and he was tired of it..haha..it wasn't funny to him anymore. We did catch a funny/good one on our video camera, but this is close enough!!

New Years Eve!!

Tristin spent New Years Eve with his older girl-friend-Kendall! They got to meet for the first time and loved their time. Kendall wasn't toooo sure about him at times, but she warmed up to him. If only he could play with her.....haha!! One day KJ, one day!! Here is a snap shot of the two!!


Tristin...one of the few that hes not trying to eat his hands..

The two bringing in the new year!!

Without hats!!! :) And yes they are 4 months apart and my child is larger..haha!!

Christmas 2009

This Christmas was such an excitement and a joy with our new member!! Tristin made this season so much more meaningful and special!!

Tristin brought in the goods!! Wow...I guess he has people/family that like him..haha!! Next year we'll have to set out list and stick to them..its like we own our very own Toys R Us!! Hes just 3 months as well!! Ahhhh!! He's got great things to play with for the next few months!!

We began our Christmas journey at Kevin's parents. We stayed the weekend before Christmas-and made our rounds to show off how big Tristin was getting to the aunts and uncles. We have a few pics to show our fun times...

It was supper nice to have our first family Christmas to ourselves!! I made ham, green bean casserole, spaghetti squash, mashed potatoes, and rolls of course. It was good!! Tristin woke up just in time to eat as well!! It was a start to many of our new family traditions!! I can't wait to continue throughout the years!

Then we got up Christmas morning and drove to Hamilton-after opening Santa's gifts of course! We drove through great winds, and into snow in Hamilton!! It was such a pretty sight to see and worth the drive!! We spent our Christmas at my Pa and Granny's. It was so fun spending time with the family!! Tristin got A LOT of books-which was WONDERFUL!!! Then we had Christmas at moms the following day. He got a Sophie!! lots of extremely cute clothes!! (Thank you children's place ;) and a stand with toys....which he'll love one day, and Blocks-with his name ;) !!

Then it was back home for some R and R and time with Tristin!! What a fun time...I'll leave ya with some pictures-They aren't in order-sorry!

Tristin, Daddy, and Uncle Mike on the tractor!!

Tristin and his new saucer-which he LOVES!! From Kevin's parents!


Christmas Eve night....our flying elf!!

Christmas at Nana's!

Kevin's santa hat was hurting his head!!

Tristin's Christmas outfit!!

Tristin and Big Daddy

Christmas eve at our house!!