Sunday, May 30, 2010


Drum Roll...
I've actually sat down and uploaded pictures from my camera to my computer. While doing so I organized all of my photos-aka pictures of Tristin by month so I can keep up with them once I get around to printing them out. 

We have one week of school.  Unlike my mom, and sister-in-law who were out LAST WEEK!  :(  I can do this though.  We have half days and well....I can make it!  I am really looking forward to Thursday.  I get to move all of my boxes to the NEW SCHOOL!! I can't WAIT!  Lets be honest though...I'm not really looking forward to moving ALL OF MY BOXES.

Before I post a few photos here is an update on our Lil Man.  We have a crawler.  A funny looking crawl, but a crawler. For the past week he has been somewhere between an actual normal crawl, and a hunting/army crawl.  He does a lot more pulling -sorta like a worm.  He goes and goes and goes though.  He feel so accomplished once he's reached his destination.  I'm wondering what the next few weeks will have in store for me-Defiantly a baby gate will be purchased.  He can almost crawl to his table, or bed and pull himself up-He tries really hard, but doesn't have his knees under him to pull himself up.  I usually step in, help him get to his knees and then he's off to standing.  We are working on our balance.  We seem to just want to walk or turn to come to me, but forget we must hang on.  I'm looking to get him a riding toy-any suggestions?

Here are a few photos...

1 comment:

cheri said...

I can't wait to see him!!! (and you...and kevin...of course)