Today is Tuesday..did you all realize that, because I swore it was Wednesday ALL DAY LONG!! I even went to my Wednesday duty station, and skipped out on my Tuesday. Where is my head. I know its consumed in school, and wishing the days would fly by so I can take my baby home and play with him. I catch myself wanting summer to be here sooo bad, and then getting caught up because I realize he'll be 8 months old and moving all over the place and my little baby wont be a baby anymore. That hurts, but I try to tell myself how fun it will be. I just never realized how much I'd love my baby boy. He's growing soo much with every day that passes. I tried to hold him in my arms today, and he really doesn't fit anymore-it made me sad. So my goal is to keep my head up and enjoy every moment I can with him. Today we played a lot, read books, and ate cereal-wow pictures to come he is a messy eater..haha.
Our mornings are so good together-we play and talk its such a great way to wake up-and if you know me you know I HATE the mornings-so this is great!!
I'll post pictures soon...duty calls-we have a little one who was out now awake...
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Day 3
Today was hardest of all. It started out with me being exhausted yesterday evening, but not going to bed until around 10:45. When I had just fallen into my slumber a peeping cry sounded through the monitor and I quickly got up, with Kevin to follow at 12:30. We got him fixed up (paci) and then headed back for bed. I was praying that was the last I'd here from him till 6ish. Well as luck had it, our little boy who had a hard day of naps the day before (going to a new place is hard work) woke up at 3:30ish, then at 4-which I just stayed in his room. Best idea I had was to put a twin in his room!! :) Well by 4:30 when he voiced again-just louder-I got him up to feed. Boy he was hungry!! Haha...I could barely keep my eyes open! We feed and changed our clothes-he laughed and smiled. It was a jolly time-until I got the boogie sucker...which he actually did pretty good on!! Once I got him settled I rocked him and watch his pretty blue eyes, that are turning greenish I think, fall asleep. I quickly started to cry. How was it that I could leave this little boy for someone else to "raise". How could I bother his sleep later to take him to a place he doesn't know? I got up from the rocker and put him in bed and snuggled close to him. His smell is heaven sent. I didn't want to get up...I wanted to lay with him all day!!
I quickly came back to reality and got up to get ready for work. We left the house, a bit late, but nevertheless we left. I got about five miles down the road and the tears started to fall..When I wiped away the salty water the glare of red and blue were brought to my attention. I was getting pulled could this be today of all days. I just wanted to get to work to get my day over with so I could pick up my baby. I pulled into a subdivision and got my licences and registration out. The tears by now were falling. I rolled down my window to let the cold air draft in, and began to hysterically cry.
"Mam, good morning"-officer
"Good morning sir, I'm m m s s sorry"-me (crying trying to catch my breath to talk)
"Mam, its ok"
"I know, I'm just taking my baby to day daycare"
"Awe, first one?"
"Y, Yes sir" (first time Ive ever been nice to an officer by the way and even called him sir more than once)
"Well I have 3 little girls, you'll be ok, I know its hard"
"I kno know"
"You need to be strong for him though"
"Well, just know its 55, not 65 out here in the country, and be safe for that little boy"
"Yes, sir, thank you"
First time I've ever cried in front of a cop, first time, Ive ever truly meant what I said to a cop, and the first time I've gotten a cop from even looking at my insurance or drivers license.
I got to school tear free from then on, and put on my mommy panties to take him inside his daycare. I placed him in a crib since he was asleep and walked out the door. I made it to the car before I allowed myself to cry again.
I arrived at school to greet my kids and welcome them back from Christmas. I truly love the teaching field-however I miss my baby.
I pray today he is geared up after school so I can see him/play with him tonight. We are going to try our best to get into bed by 9:00. Keep your fingers crossed.
I quickly came back to reality and got up to get ready for work. We left the house, a bit late, but nevertheless we left. I got about five miles down the road and the tears started to fall..When I wiped away the salty water the glare of red and blue were brought to my attention. I was getting pulled could this be today of all days. I just wanted to get to work to get my day over with so I could pick up my baby. I pulled into a subdivision and got my licences and registration out. The tears by now were falling. I rolled down my window to let the cold air draft in, and began to hysterically cry.
"Mam, good morning"-officer
"Good morning sir, I'm m m s s sorry"-me (crying trying to catch my breath to talk)
"Mam, its ok"
"I know, I'm just taking my baby to day daycare"
"Awe, first one?"
"Y, Yes sir" (first time Ive ever been nice to an officer by the way and even called him sir more than once)
"Well I have 3 little girls, you'll be ok, I know its hard"
"I kno know"
"You need to be strong for him though"
"Well, just know its 55, not 65 out here in the country, and be safe for that little boy"
"Yes, sir, thank you"
First time I've ever cried in front of a cop, first time, Ive ever truly meant what I said to a cop, and the first time I've gotten a cop from even looking at my insurance or drivers license.
I got to school tear free from then on, and put on my mommy panties to take him inside his daycare. I placed him in a crib since he was asleep and walked out the door. I made it to the car before I allowed myself to cry again.
I arrived at school to greet my kids and welcome them back from Christmas. I truly love the teaching field-however I miss my baby.
I pray today he is geared up after school so I can see him/play with him tonight. We are going to try our best to get into bed by 9:00. Keep your fingers crossed.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Tristin's 1st Day at Daycare
Well, I've been dreading this day since October 1st when I held my little boy in my hands. Right away I was in love and couldn't wait to teach this little boy about the world and all of its wonders. I've been blessed to enjoy 3 months with Tristin, and watch him grow daily. This is honestly the best thing in life! I've gotten to witness so many accomplishments already. Watching him smile, rub his eyes when he's tired, swing and just laugh with excitement, stand up in my lap, sit up, roll over, and the list goes on. I didn't know how happy he would make me.
This morning, I didn't want to wake up-I didn't want to take my little boy to daycare for someone else to watch, because I wanted to watch him. I wanted to be there after his nap, and talk to him after he feeds, and read books. I wanted to change his diaper and hear him fuss when he was tired and ready for a nap. I know that I need to go back to work, this is what I need to do so I can bring him up the way I'd like to, but it was so very hard taking that step and letting go this morning.
I went into his room (with tears) and woke him up. We feed and played, and talked. Then loaded up in the car and took off to work. The entire way I cried...I could have helped to fill up the rivers...We got to school and he woke up..(I was really hoping he'd stay asleep so I could feel as if I was sneaking away) I handed him to Miss Mary his main teacher, and went back to the car for a load. When I came back he was smiling and kicking around. So happy. That made my heart sing. I am sooo blessed to have him, and so happy to have such a happy boy. It was good to see him smile this morning after all. I went over his schedule like his teacher couldn't read, or this was her first baby to keep. I walked out with tears falling down my checks and just took one step at a time. I really wanted to go sweep him up and take him back home, but I let go. This is one of many to come, and I didn't realize how hard it would be. He's one special boy and I will now cherish every moment we have.
However if anyone ever wins the lottery and wants to share with me, I'd love to stay home and teach my baby.
I about ran into his room this afternoon to find him being rocked, and ready to eat. He was so happy to see me. He just smiled and grinned!! We came home ( after having a quick car nap) and played and played. He was so tired. He went to bed a little after nine, and I haven't heard a peep.
I pray my week gets easier,and he keeps up his joyfulness at daycare.
This morning, I didn't want to wake up-I didn't want to take my little boy to daycare for someone else to watch, because I wanted to watch him. I wanted to be there after his nap, and talk to him after he feeds, and read books. I wanted to change his diaper and hear him fuss when he was tired and ready for a nap. I know that I need to go back to work, this is what I need to do so I can bring him up the way I'd like to, but it was so very hard taking that step and letting go this morning.
I went into his room (with tears) and woke him up. We feed and played, and talked. Then loaded up in the car and took off to work. The entire way I cried...I could have helped to fill up the rivers...We got to school and he woke up..(I was really hoping he'd stay asleep so I could feel as if I was sneaking away) I handed him to Miss Mary his main teacher, and went back to the car for a load. When I came back he was smiling and kicking around. So happy. That made my heart sing. I am sooo blessed to have him, and so happy to have such a happy boy. It was good to see him smile this morning after all. I went over his schedule like his teacher couldn't read, or this was her first baby to keep. I walked out with tears falling down my checks and just took one step at a time. I really wanted to go sweep him up and take him back home, but I let go. This is one of many to come, and I didn't realize how hard it would be. He's one special boy and I will now cherish every moment we have.
However if anyone ever wins the lottery and wants to share with me, I'd love to stay home and teach my baby.
I about ran into his room this afternoon to find him being rocked, and ready to eat. He was so happy to see me. He just smiled and grinned!! We came home ( after having a quick car nap) and played and played. He was so tired. He went to bed a little after nine, and I haven't heard a peep.
I pray my week gets easier,and he keeps up his joyfulness at daycare.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Tristin Rolling Over
Tristin has been growing up very quick!! He got a saucer for Christmas, but really just the past 2 days has he started really liking it!! Now he'll squeal and bounce around!! He's also been sitting up by himself, but a hand has to be pretty near, because he'll get excited and push back with his legs!!! (This happened in the tub last week and it wasn't a fun cat like reflex caught him before he went kaboom)
He's taken a break in rolling over, but just today he rolled over 5 times. Hopefully it will stick,and he'll continue. Next stop really sitting up-I guess the bed needs to move down a few notches!! Then crawling..he likes to get his knees under him already...give me another month or two please!!
This was the last time we put him on his belly and he was tired of wasn't funny to him anymore. We did catch a funny/good one on our video camera, but this is close enough!!
He's taken a break in rolling over, but just today he rolled over 5 times. Hopefully it will stick,and he'll continue. Next stop really sitting up-I guess the bed needs to move down a few notches!! Then crawling..he likes to get his knees under him already...give me another month or two please!!
This was the last time we put him on his belly and he was tired of wasn't funny to him anymore. We did catch a funny/good one on our video camera, but this is close enough!!
New Years Eve!!
Tristin spent New Years Eve with his older girl-friend-Kendall! They got to meet for the first time and loved their time. Kendall wasn't toooo sure about him at times, but she warmed up to him. If only he could play with her.....haha!! One day KJ, one day!! Here is a snap shot of the two!! of the few that hes not trying to eat his hands..
Christmas 2009
This Christmas was such an excitement and a joy with our new member!! Tristin made this season so much more meaningful and special!!
Tristin brought in the goods!! Wow...I guess he has people/family that like him..haha!! Next year we'll have to set out list and stick to them..its like we own our very own Toys R Us!! Hes just 3 months as well!! Ahhhh!! He's got great things to play with for the next few months!!
We began our Christmas journey at Kevin's parents. We stayed the weekend before Christmas-and made our rounds to show off how big Tristin was getting to the aunts and uncles. We have a few pics to show our fun times...
It was supper nice to have our first family Christmas to ourselves!! I made ham, green bean casserole, spaghetti squash, mashed potatoes, and rolls of course. It was good!! Tristin woke up just in time to eat as well!! It was a start to many of our new family traditions!! I can't wait to continue throughout the years!
Then we got up Christmas morning and drove to Hamilton-after opening Santa's gifts of course! We drove through great winds, and into snow in Hamilton!! It was such a pretty sight to see and worth the drive!! We spent our Christmas at my Pa and Granny's. It was so fun spending time with the family!! Tristin got A LOT of books-which was WONDERFUL!!! Then we had Christmas at moms the following day. He got a Sophie!! lots of extremely cute clothes!! (Thank you children's place ;) and a stand with toys....which he'll love one day, and Blocks-with his name ;) !!
Then it was back home for some R and R and time with Tristin!! What a fun time...I'll leave ya with some pictures-They aren't in order-sorry!

Tristin, Daddy, and Uncle Mike on the tractor!!
Tristin brought in the goods!! Wow...I guess he has people/family that like him..haha!! Next year we'll have to set out list and stick to them..its like we own our very own Toys R Us!! Hes just 3 months as well!! Ahhhh!! He's got great things to play with for the next few months!!
We began our Christmas journey at Kevin's parents. We stayed the weekend before Christmas-and made our rounds to show off how big Tristin was getting to the aunts and uncles. We have a few pics to show our fun times...
It was supper nice to have our first family Christmas to ourselves!! I made ham, green bean casserole, spaghetti squash, mashed potatoes, and rolls of course. It was good!! Tristin woke up just in time to eat as well!! It was a start to many of our new family traditions!! I can't wait to continue throughout the years!
Then we got up Christmas morning and drove to Hamilton-after opening Santa's gifts of course! We drove through great winds, and into snow in Hamilton!! It was such a pretty sight to see and worth the drive!! We spent our Christmas at my Pa and Granny's. It was so fun spending time with the family!! Tristin got A LOT of books-which was WONDERFUL!!! Then we had Christmas at moms the following day. He got a Sophie!! lots of extremely cute clothes!! (Thank you children's place ;) and a stand with toys....which he'll love one day, and Blocks-with his name ;) !!
Then it was back home for some R and R and time with Tristin!! What a fun time...I'll leave ya with some pictures-They aren't in order-sorry!
Tristin, Daddy, and Uncle Mike on the tractor!!
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