Monday, April 5, 2010


What a wonderful holiday to celebrate! I'm so glad I got to spend it with family, and Tristin got to see his cousins. They are hilarious,and Trisin just loves watching them.  We sang-Denver, Averi and Maddie ALL love Taylor Swift so she was the artist of choice to sing..."She wears short skirts I wear (teachers-Maddie) T-shirts she's cheer captin and,,,"  They can sing the ENTIRE song!!  We laughed-Maddie is always quick to tell someone No or that its not right, while Averi is always mothering, and trying to get Maddie to see the right way-or the right in something-its tooo funny!!

The Easter Bunny made a stop by my moms house on Saturday and the kids enjoyed their hunt. Enjoy some photos...

1 comment:

cheri said...

I missed seeing Tristin on the horse! Next year he will be running around looking for eggs (don't cry!) and Denton will be toddling along, too!