Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Aww rest
We went into Hobby Lobby to buy outside Xmas lights!! The big bulbs for the front of our house! You know from previous blogs how excited I am about Christmas so this put me over the edge when Kevin said he'd put up lights!
So we went in and got the lights-now I also needed glass for some frames I had purchased earlier in the year which have been awaiting Tristins arrival and his pictures! We picked the glass up and then I recieved a call from my sister about making stockings this weekend and so I quickly began hunting down fabric and ornaments for our stockings!! What fun! Needless to say we march up to pay and my few small purchases came out to be an expensive trip!
Once we got out it was time for a feeding so we sat in the car and watched Tristin gulp until he was satisfied!
Next stop Target! We went in originally to return diapers and get new ones! You see since our little guy is growing so much we didn't need our last box of 2 s and I had two packaged of 3 s that were huggies- which I hate!! These do not work for us! Hillary didn't care for them and I thought at first I was biased but after talking with Jan, she hates them as well. Anyways at wal mart you can only exchange diapers for diapers which is perfectly fine by me- however target gave us the gift card- o how I love thee! Well we picked up a package of 3s since they can start at 16 pounds and I'm guessing Tristin is around 14-15 so he'll be in those before you know it!! We then got infant Tylenol bc we never bought any and some gripe water which I heard works great!! We also picked up a paci clip since he is starting to use his more and I hate searching for it!!
We then made a run to Jasons Deli my fav and then home to pick up/clean and enjoy our outside Xmas lights Kevin put up!! I love them! So merry and bright!
Tristin did well and stayed up a bit this evening and well let's just say for the record since this will prob never happen again- I fed him at 9:30 and a little more to calm him down at 10:30 and after going to bed he didn't wake up until 4:45!!! What happened??? Let me just say the sleep was amazing and it's 6 and I feel o so ready to go for the day!! Yipee
I'll end on that wonderful bit of information!!!
Monday, November 23, 2009
I love my little boy-I enjoy watching his milestones, but once again I'm left anxious because I can't wait for him to laugh, or roll over, or sit up, and crawl. I honestly can't wait to see him in his carhart overalls and cowboy boots, walking beside his dad as they "work" outside. I can't wait to see his face the day he discovers mud, or the day he looks at me from being away-and comes running to me. I am anxious to see his first school picture, what sport if any (he better in our family) choose to love. I'm anxious to hear stories of a day spent with his dad. I'm anxious to watch him grow-But most of all I'm anxious for it to not go so fast. I want to treasure it all.
I have to say-Lacey if your reading this-enjoy it. Be anxious-but don't let it get to you. I believe my mom now when she said it will happen when it happens-or to relax. Go out and have fun-even if you are tired,or have gas. Go to the movies-out to eat-not getting to do these is life changing-but worth it-but I do wish we'd been a little more adventurous!!
I know now when number 2 comes (it will be a while) that I'm going to try my best to enjoy it-I know I'll have new circumstances with a little boy to take care of at the same time-which I'm sure will still leave me anxious.
Christmas Decor
Christmas always started early for my family. We always got to spend Thanksgiving with my Mamaw, my mom's mom, and her entire family would come and we'd have Christmas! It was a blast spending the week with my family. We spent time with everyone, each of my moms brothers and sisters were there and their kids-and their kids kids who were more my age!!We would eat lunch, sing songs, watch football, ride on my Uncle Terry's wheelchair, play dress up, and sing more songs. We were an eclectic group let me tell ya. Anyways-it was always fun coming back to school and writing on the topic of-what did you do over your thanksgiving break, b/c I got to write about having Christmas.
Christmas would soon arrive, and I can remember the joys of getting into our footed pjs-sleeping in the same room as my brother and sister anxious for what Christmas day had in store for us. We would watch Troy on the weather before bed, to see where Santa was-I swear my sister/brother/and I heard Santa on the roof one night ;). The joys of getting the Oreos out and milk-(I wonder if my parents really ate/drank our treat?)
The joys of waking up in the morning and seeing what had been left-I remember one Christmas morning I woke up supper early-it was the year I received my little tykes play house-and I played with my playhouse for an hour-then went back to bed, and woke up when my brother/sister woke up and acted soo surprised. I mean I was-I had wanted this doll house for so long-I remember playing nonstop with that set-I hope I can get Tristin good gifts like that.
Now-Kevin and I get to begin our journey and traditions with Christmas. I absolutely can't wait! I get all giddy inside when I think about it!
Here are some pictures of the house-which by the way took me all day-since Tristin needed feeding assistance from time to time :). Enjoy-
This tree is in our study-it has all of our (my)Hallmark ornaments on it. Each year mom would get us an ornament that was part of our collection and we add to it yearly. I collect puppy love :) Since 91 I believe. We haven't found a good one for Kevin yet-they don't fit his personality. I can't wait to start one for Tristin!
Our Living Room tree- The star hasn't made it to the top yet-b/c I can't reach it!!
Kitchen table decor
Can't see a whole lot, but some decor-
I love these stockings
Our dinning room-
Our newest stockings-Kevin, Me, Tristin, and Kooper(our dog) snow people!!!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
We got to spend Halloween this year in Hamilton. I wanted to be able to capture some pictures with his cousins, who also got dressed up on Halloween night to travel from door to door yelling...Trick or Treat!! How with that being said growing up I HATED HATED HATED Halloween. The idea of getting dressed up and actually going to ask someone you really didn't know for something horrified me. So-I inevitably would stay inside the car and allow my brother and sister to trick or treat for me. One year I was made to dress up like a clown (which I despise-b/c my brother and sister used to put me in a closet at my grandparents house and throw this clown (that looked SOOOO scary and laughed sooo mean )in on me all while it was chuckling its evilness. Needless to say this Halloween I was made to dress like a clown I broke out into a rash and got SUPER sick and cried and cried and cried. So this year I planned to attempt to like Halloween for Tristin and thought with the help of my sisters that I could get through the holiday. I survived-even though a rode around in the car with Tristin and we stopped at 3 houses. The kids had already gone up and down a street when they came to pick me up-so no worries :). I forgot my camera that night, and haven't gotten them from my sister yet, but when I do will post with all the kidos!!! These are just for fun pics, even though Tristin didn't have much fun taking them..hehe.
One month Old
Motherhood is wonderful! I love my little boy a little more each and every day, and I didn't think that was possible. Even when he keeps me up like this morning. We did get to spend some quality time swaying back in forth which in the end was worth it.
Tristin is growing faster each day. He's been walking for the past two weeks..haha...with just a little help on my lap....and has said mommy-somehow it just sounded like ooohh though. I do know that is what he was trying to get across and we celebrated! I do enjoy his more alert sperts and wondering looks. He loves this sepia picture we have in our room above our bed-good purchase Kevin-he will stare it it non-stop!
I've added a few pictures here to show how big we've gotten, which seems to be rather large. I'm guessing we are around 12 pounds maybe a little more. We have outgrown our size 1 diapers, however daddy opened a new BIG box of them, so we are going to squeeze into as many as we can-and I suppose we can save the other half of the box, or gift them to someone else in need. :)
Bath time-we like better in the sink than our tub...but we are getting tooooo big for the sink :(
Weird photo I know....but this was actually on his One month b-day party...haha!