Monday, June 29, 2009

Weekend Apt, and Fun!

This weekend, Kevin and I made the long and daunting trip to H-town. This trip usually never phases me however our start to the day lets say wasn't perfect.
We left Buda around 9 and headed for Round Rock for my monthly checkup-now my checkups have in the past taken about 15 min. and that's getting out of the car-checking in-visiting with the doc-and asking random questions-and back out again. Therefore Kevin and I didn't think twice about loading everything up for our trip along with Kooper, giving us 45 or so min on our trip so we wouldn't have to backtrack after the appointment.
We arrive at the doctors office around 9:30 and I stroll up-happy and content, because our plan is to get to go to Chick-Fila for breakfast. Yummm-its the only time Kevin will go with me b/c like McDonald's he hates all other meals they serve. Needless to say I check in, with a new lady whom I've never seen before, and she asks me to come tell her in five min. if they haven't called me back. At the time-I thought nothing of it-and parked myself in one of the uncomfortable chairs. I'm sitting quietly and looking around as 5 min. pass I hear her give a call in the back concerning my appointment. This goes on another time, while 4 other women have come and gone into the doctors office. Kevin has of course contacted me through text and is wondering where I am now at 10:00. I walk up and say something to the nice new lady who swearers the other girls have gone in to see other doctors-and I know they haven't b/c I've heard them all check in-and when you've been sitting for 30 min. you tend to ease drop on other conversations around you-including the names of the other patients, their date of birth, and their DOCTOR.
I quietly sit back down, and she calls a 4th time, and this time I hear her say Courtney has been here since 9:25 and blah she seems really confused at this point, and persistent that that is who I am- Well I'M NOT COURTNEY-so long story short-she never fully checked me in, and I finally saw my doctor at 10:30 an hour after I arrived-now to make matters worse, the check in dumb *ss had enough nerve to say at 10:10 when she called me up, Owell your apt wasn't until 10 anyway that's close enough...YA LADY...CLOSE when you arrive at 10 not 9:30!!

So I walk outside to my almost heat stricken husband and dog-we grab lunch and head to Hamilton. I have to say we visited with all. We got to visit with my Grandparents, and Aunt-Watch Denver play baseball..he was sooo freakin cute and I with Averi our little precious cheerleader and Maddie-who also came to watch and is absolutely adorable when she sings the ItsyBitsy Spider song. Kevin got to play golf with Derek and Dillan-and I got to visit with the Gina, Hillary, and Mom-and then with Dad. Sat. night Dad cooked us all dinner and we stayed up laughing at the kids, watching Dillan and Gina clober one another, and had a Wonderful time. I love weekends like that. Full of laughter and Love. I miss everyone of them already!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey courtney (lol)--
i love reading your pregnancy experiences... you are so funny. you look great, cari :) so skinny still!
Ps. i probably would have slapped the receptionist...