Well, here I am already slacking off on my blog! Things have been hectic and crazy to say the least, but its almost time to have this baby!!!!
School has started-the smell of freshly sharpened pencils,and new crayons in the box has warn away and I'm left with smelly LOUD children all day. What a joy!!
(by the way while writing this my dog just threw-up I know that is weird to put,but it distracted me as Kevin ran him outside)
Now back to what I was saying--
Aww yes school-I'm already bogged down with loads of papers to grade, and emails to read from parents concerning their 'o so perfect kids'.
This past weekend was the Hamilton Dove Festival-
YIPEE.....we made it home Friday night-after a close call of missing a doctors apt. b/c everyone was driving slow to view the wreck on the OPPOSITE SIDE OF 35!!!!!! REALLY PEOPLE......anyway we made it home to rain, and me being VERY tired. So instead of embarking on the homecoming game-I opted to stay home and rest,in my dads VERY VERY hot house. Saturday morning I awoke to the joys of a parade-watched and yelled at
Dillan as he marched by-and sat in the heat. I ran into a lot of people I adore, and some I've nearly forgotten, but were really good to meet up with. Its a great time to catch up, and I'm looking forward to next year with
Tristin, so I can mingle with my other friends instead of basking in the heat of the day and just wanting to go home. Now I do realize I'll want to hurry and take
Tristin home at some point next year-I'm sure he'll be into EVERYTHING and ANYTHING-but that will be for next year.
Sunday we had a small surprise b-day part for Hillary-she is turning 30!!!! It was exciting !! She got to talk/see a few close friends that she hadn't talked to in a while. I got to swim-
geez that is hard work by the way-and play b-ball with my dad and
Dillan. Towards the end of the day I started feeling bad and went home and headed for the bed.
Monday-FREE OF SCHOOL...I visited my mom and Gina, and we said our goodbyes...I told them this would be it until the big day..and of course mom started crying...how sweet...I'm loved! Then Kevin and I went to pick up
Averi and took her out to Granny/Pa's where we had a great lunch, and enjoyed each others company. I love them so much! Hillary, Dennis,and Maddie joined us, so the girls got to play for the afternoon, Hill
andI got to talk, and the boys....well they took a 2 1/2 hour nap. All while I really wanted to since I didn't feel very good.
We left, and I laid down in the back seat of the truck-slept all the way home, just to load back up again and drive to Round Rock b/c I felt
sooooo bad. We stayed in the hospital for 3 hours, and I was given fluids to feel better, and tested for the flu. Good news-I don't have the flu, and I feel much better(after sleeping all day Tuesday).
I just have a few more days to make it to 37 weeks-considered full term!!!! This means anytime I could pop this little guy(big guy) out. I visit the doctor on the 16
th to talk about my measurements and our plan-inducing/waiting....I'm excited for this talk-it makes it more real. My Pa gives me until the 25
th of this month....
Geez that would be nice....I'm running out of room FAST!!! Kevin's shirts are starting not to fit!!
Well...hopefully I can keep up on the blog and not give such long updates....Maybe my mom will stay on me now that she has one!!